Lack of interest User Defined Macros / Canned Responses / Answer Templates

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Active member
It would be helpful for users to be able to insert canned responses into posts- especially if said response can be just a snippet. Possible uses include allowing members to essentially add their own smileys from [IMG=...] and allowing mods to put out predefined responses to repetitive threads.
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I am against any form of canned response of things in the public world... But in the same instance I can see the user of this...
This may be a useful feature, at least for staff members. Many communities instruct their staff to give canned responses when certain issues or questions arise. For example, staff at always post the same canned response whenever an unlicensed user asks for support.

There are probably less specific features that could be implemented, which would provide "global Macros" as a special usage case. For example: custom BB codes. The benefits of allowing individuals to define and use their own canned responses is not clear to me.

+1 to the idea. Personally I've just set up replacement variables for canned stuff, e.g. common responses (e.g. Please read the stickies / FAQs), or for common links, which are on a side bar but NO ONE EVER LOOKS AT THEM, arg.
I am having a lot of trouble understanding the suggestion.

I have several posts in a private forum that only I can see which address common situations, I copy those, edit, and post/PM/email as appropriate.

I am having a lot of trouble understanding the suggestion.

I have several posts in a private forum that only I can see which address common situations, I copy those, edit, and post/PM/email as appropriate.


I'll explain my ideal implementation. Instead of a private forum to copy paste from, there's a big M on the new post editor interface thingamajiggert with a little drop down arrow... a la the smileys. If a user has no macros, it says 'You do not have any macros' and offers a link to where they can be defined. The macro has two fields- a name and a text. So say you want to insert a canned response. Click on the M, look for 'Welcome New Member' and click on it, and voila! It's in the post you're creating.

But this can also be useful for something like user defined smileys. If your users heavily rely on emoticons that aren't a default on your board, then they might add a macro whose text is [IMG=PATH_TO_SMILEY]. If someone finds themselves always quoting Douglas Adams, that can be a macro. If someone always types in italics, font size 3, and maroon centered text while RPing or something, then that can be a macro. Limit repetitive motions.

Spammers unit.

Although macro's on their own could be interesting.. but ahh well.

I'd probably only give it to people with a few (50) posts on my forum if possible, but the power makes it interesting :)
I'll explain my ideal implementation. Instead of a private forum to copy paste from, there's a big M on the new post editor interface thingamajiggert with a little drop down arrow... a la the smileys. If a user has no macros, it says 'You do not have any macros' and offers a link to where they can be defined. The macro has two fields- a name and a text. So say you want to insert a canned response. Click on the M, look for 'Welcome New Member' and click on it, and voila! It's in the post you're creating.
OMG, I've been wanting to do that for YEARS. Mucked around with the smiley code a bit, but ultimately replacement variables were the easy fix. Unfortunately, I'm the only one who remembers most of them. I'd love for say, the moderator team, to have access to a specific set of them.

If someone always types in italics, font size 3, and maroon centered text while RPing or something, then that can be a macro. Limit repetitive motions.
I'll explain my ideal implementation. Instead of a private forum to copy paste from, there's a big M on the new post editor interface thingamajiggert with a little drop down arrow... a la the smileys. If a user has no macros, it says 'You do not have any macros' and offers a link to where they can be defined. The macro has two fields- a name and a text. So say you want to insert a canned response. Click on the M, look for 'Welcome New Member' and click on it, and voila! It's in the post you're creating.
That sounds like an awesome idea for a modification, it really does. I don't think the majority of the people would want that, more of a power user target audience.

I hope I did not offend.
That sounds like an awesome idea for a modification, it really does. I don't think the majority of the people would want that, more of a power user target audience.

I hope I did not offend.

No, not at all. When I remember things that I want on my forums, I post them in the suggestions threads. I'll let Mike and Kier and the community as a whole decide whether it's better suited for a mod or core functionality. I'm just not sure that I'm a proper judge to determine which it's better suited for, being that it would be built in already on my ideal board. That being said, the XF team isn't out to create Greg's ideal board. They're out to create a commercially viable product that will appeal to a wide audience. So they get to judge :D
This idea could be handy if done right, As it would open up for spammers to use. It could also be nice if it was an user-group option... But then again Something like this could be better off as a plugin (if there is a plugin system).
There should be a repository of pre-written texts that moderators/administrators can easily evoke, whether by a button click or bbcode.


Pre-written text: Please be more constructive and respectful when posting.
Corresponding bbcode: [respect]

I would then simply have to type "[respect]" in my post and it will be replaced by the pre-written text.

Importance of this feature:
Can save forum staff significant amounts of time. The less time they spend typing the same things over and over, the more time they have to help other users and keep the forums clean.
Good idea. On some of my forums we have a moderator forum filled with such texts snippets but if it's built in this would be much easier.
There is a vB mod that does the same thing ("Canned Responses"). Our staff really liked it and many of our members who post reviews on movies, instructions, or recipes often use that too.
what would be great is if all users could define x number of buttons for thier personal use, whether that be moderation/support snippets, some sort of 'template' text (such as a recipe), or even bbcode to their favourite smilies.
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