XF 2.3 USER CHANGE LOG auto purging?


Well-known member

I put put 2.3 on one of my forums yesterday, and will be doing the larger one Sunday morning. I see the behavior on both versions.

I was looking at these user change logs and see that it logs every avatar conversion to webp, then realized both forums/versions show records going back to 2019, in spite of the settings below.

I see hourly and daily cleanup crons running/enabled.

Should these be getting trimmed, or is there a different setting that I need to fix?

I am setting this under ADMINCP -> Setup -> Options -> Logging Options


Ah thank you.

I guess I misunderstood the second option in my above picture. :)

Thanks again for the quick response.

The 2.3.2 upgrade was seamless and it seems stable!
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