XF 2.2 User can edit post after reaction...


In the ACP i can set the time users can edit their posts...

But i want to say, users can edit their post for a period of let's say 30 minutes but once someone reacts to the post, editing should be disabled... How can i do that?

Kind regards,
No way to do this that I'm aware of out of the box, unless there's an addon that allows it. But I would think twice about it even if you could. You're going to tell users they have 30 minutes to edit their post, unless someone reacts to it first? Be prepared to get conversations (and other users probably too) asking if you can please remove the reaction so they can edit their post - they only have 10 minutes left!! Or asking you to do the edits for them after the fact. Personally, I'd be more than a little annoyed if I took the time to create a long, thoughtful thread, maybe an article, and then couldn't go back in afterward to at least edit it for spelling mistakes and grammar just because someone immediately reacted to it.....
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I was looking for an add on, but didn't find one...

We had this implemented in the past in our previous software, our custom written drupal forum, and before that in our vbulletin board... So we don't gonna have problems with it ;). It is also mentiond in our rules, so people know it ;).

Now, with the relaese last week of xenforo, a user told me this was a problem :ROFLMAO:
Might want to toss that out there as a suggestion. We had an incident in our early days (2014ish) where a user deleted the text of a post that was sexist or anti-gay (forget which now) after a bunch of us called him on it. That led us to tighten up on editing posts. Fortunately in that case, a couple of us quoted the original in our responses so he was not able to run away from his words. So I see where you're coming from.
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