You can update your user banner to this HTML:
<a href="#" data-xf-init="tooltip" data-original-title="[YOUR TOOLTIP TEXT]">[BANNER TEXT]</a>
View attachment 317640
View attachment 317641
Then maybe add a class attribute to it (
) so you can modify the appearance of that link over the rest of your links. But, depending on the banner text, it might be too long as the ACP (and database) restricts you to 100 characters.
It would be nice if XF 2.3.5 shipped with xf_user_group / banner_text updated from varchar(100) to something a little more reasonable for this case (like 255), and make the max character limit in the ACP to match, because I often place links in the banner text and sometimes need to get creative to get below 100 characters (like a route to shorten a link to somewhere else on the forum).
FWIW: I made it a suggestion for XF to increase the character count as I often run into this problem making links in banners myself; 100 characters is just sometimes not enough.
Should be a given in 2.4 (if not 2.3.5) to update xf_user_group table/banner_text to accept something longer than 100 characters, and the maximum character count in the ACP options for a user group banner to be longer than 100 characters to reflect.
2.4 is supposed to have admin improvements.
I often see (and also use) links in my banners and sometimes run out of space, so I get creative and make a route to shorten a link. But, it shouldn't be that difficult when the length can just be extended.
My reply to this thread reminded me of how I ran into that 100-character limit on a few...