Implemented Upload a File: Show Progress


Well-known member
When I upload a larger file, the first seconds xenforo is displaying its upper right corner IIOIIII sandglass status.

However after some time that status update stops, and the upload box is still there. Nothing happens at the chrome browsers window with the exception of a small grey increasing "48% uploading..." status message at the lower left. My guess is that some users might think something did went wrong when the signal "something is in progress, please wait".

A simple solution might be to state "Larger File uploads take a while, please do wait this window will be reloaded once the upload finished".
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I upload with another stream protocoll, maybe it's because of this. Also, when I click on Cancel, Chrome still loads all data to the server before it cancels the upload.
If you're referring to uploading an attachment, if you use the Flash uploader, you do get progress indicators (that's one of the big reasons for it). Or are you referring to something else?
I enabled the Flash uploader in acp, but disabled Flash on my computer setup. I have the same user dialog like the uploader here on xenforo. I think it is the non-flash one. Honestly I don't upload much so I do not really know the difference.

When I cancel the upload, the upload is still in progress, will finish and the file will popup under the editor as new attachment ( I correct that from my #2 post ).
I looked up the flash uploader with my Internet Explorer, it looks really nice! I did not know xenforo had something like that included.
I'm going to call this implemented then. (There will likely be a change in approach for the future, but this was necessary at the time of development.)
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