updating skin property value

Vincent Gabriel

Active member
What will be a programmatic way of updating the background-image property in a skin.

attached screenshots

            [property_definition_id] => 19
            [definition_style_id] => 0
            [group_name] => general
            [title] => Body
            [description] => This property controls the CSS for the main <body> element of XenForo pages.

Primarily, it is used for text styling, which is inherited by almost all other elements within XenForo.
            [property_name] => body
            [property_type] => css
            [css_components] => a:5:{s:4:"text";b:1;s:10:"background";b:1;s:6:"border";b:1;s:6:"layout";b:1;s:5:"extra";b:1;}
            [scalar_type] =>
            [scalar_parameters] =>
            [addon_id] => XenForo
            [display_order] => 20
            [sub_group] =>
            [property_id] => 538
            [style_id] => 3
            [property_value] => a:5:{s:16:"background-image";s:40:"http://gfy.com/skins/gfy/skin/bg_org.gif";s:17:"background-repeat";s:6:"repeat";s:5:"color";s:12:"@contentText";s:5:"extra";s:41:"word-wrap: break-word;
line-height: 1.35;";s:11:"font-family";s:15:"@fa_primaryfont";}


  • Screen Shot 2016-02-04 at 3.53.52 PM.webp
    Screen Shot 2016-02-04 at 3.53.52 PM.webp
    59.9 KB · Views: 6
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