Update notification for Xenforo addons?

There is an add-on that does this BTW.
It would be very useful to have this functionality included in the core. Not just because its basic functionality, but also because the addon does not alert about xenforo updates. For example it can no longer notify us about XFMG updates now that it has become an official addon.
It would be very useful to have this functionality included in the core. Not just because its basic functionality, but also because the addon does not alert about xenforo updates. For example it can no longer notify us about XFMG updates now that it has become an official addon.
Isn't that what the email you get does?
Isn't that what the email you get does?

The original installer.. or site maintainer who chooses to come here and watch everything someone before them has downloaded, sure.

Futher.. some of us get tons and tons of emails and yes, we use stars and labels and everything to stay organized and try to not let anything fall through the cracks, but still. The point still stands.. it would be very nice and helpful.

Which is why several ppl are saying it, I assume.

Which is why several ppl are saying it, I assume.
For the add-ons, I find that the function to check for them already exists (and can be viewed by anyone with the permissions via the ACP) using an add-on. I prefer it rather than built in as the author can extend it to support other sites - which built in may not be depending on numerous factors.

Screen Shot 2014-12-01 at 1.07.08 AM.webp

The original installer.. or site maintainer who chooses to come here and watch everything someone before them has downloaded, sure.
As for the media gallery, since it is an official XenForo add-on, the licensee is notified via an email when an update comes out (or at least I have been for every version of XenForo and Resource Manager). If complaining about it going to only one individual, that also is easily solved by having it go to a mail account that is forwarded to numerous people.
I get hundreds of emails per day. such email notification is rarely read. update announcements here on xenforo.com are much more effective. I am sure that I am not the only one.
I get hundreds of emails per day. such email notification is rarely read. update announcements here on xenforo.com are much more effective. I am sure that I am not the only one.
Oh, I average about 250'ish a day myself (because of the CSF alerts I monitor on VPS/dedi servers).
I just use the flag feature of my Mac to catch those from XenForo for software updates and they stand out pretty well as the most of the others get filtered into their own separate smart mailbox.
Copying over my post from the suggestion thread for code review. We could really do with a plugin management system in the core.

6 years after this thread was started the wordpress system is absolutely amazing.

It works great for both free and commercial plugins.

Here's a screen shot of one of my WP sites, with plugins at a variety of states, highlighted and explained.


Single click update actions the add on install:


And confirmation, all without leaving or reloading the page. I can initiate the update of 10 plugins with 10 clicks in 10 seconds this way.


Viewing the details of any plugin gives you an onsite modal with access to a ton of info, including reviews, documentation, changelogs, screenshots and links to appropriate resources:


On the first image, note the WP Rocket plugin. That's a great example of a paid plugin, where my licence has expired but there are updates available. It reminds me every time I check this page and links me off to where I can buy it. But it still lets me monitor the installed version, and access the changelogs so I can see if there's anything in each new update to see if there's anything that will encourage me to pay to upgrade.

Also, the ability to search the plugins from within the control panel on your own site is brilliant.

All the search results are designed in a way to display plugins in a format suitable for actually browsing plugins, instead of relying on the same search designed for threads, on a forum on an external site. Complete with one click install.

Is this something that could be considered for XF 2.1?

Also aware of: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/automatic-upgrade-update.35219/ -- this would be wonderful also, but I expect this may be more unlikely to be added (especially since it'd require working out some quirks for paid add-ons).

Perhaps update notifications could work, though? It could be done with just the XFRM, with ideally a field to enter the version number ID per version. By tracking it'd be useful to let admins know if a resource update is available. It's pretty hard to keep yourself up to date with all those, much easier to schedule some time and get all the updates done you can. I feel like something like this would help keep people on the latest versions (w/ latest features and bug fixes).

I'm thrilled by what I see here:

But I want to suggest a little add-on to these improvements.

I'd like to see a possibility for the dev to give a source or an update API or whatever so we can have add-on updates just like XF updates.

Like.. The dev could put the RM-URL from xf.com and the system checks there for updates. Or the dev could put an update URL where the system checks. Or the dev could place their own RM. Or whatever it takes. So that I don't even have to go download the updated ZIP file.

Guess that would be awesome. :)
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