Update copyright year

Update the copyright year to 2023 in the footer on XenForo forums in the next update.
As always it will update to the year in which the forum software is updated so it will obviously be 2023 if the next update is this year. Or 2024 if it is next year.

It has always been like that so not really any need for the suggestion.
Update the copyright year to 2023 in the footer on XenForo forums in the next update.
Errr... pretty sure the last date of an update was 2022... so it's reasonably assured it's a correct date for the script being version used if it's the latest.
Your SITE can use a more recent date, as it's kept up to date more frequently than the script is.
Glad my site has a 2023 copyright now. Lol

On a side note, we use opencart software and it is variable driven and changes the copyright end year automatically.
I don’t understand why anyone wants the copyright date to be the current year. If you want that date to help you protect the copyright, it needs to be the date at which original copyright was created.

So a copyright date of 2023 will not help protect any content created in 2022 or 2021 etc.

Not that the copyright notice actually does protect anything in many/most cases - although I suppose it can help if someone who steals your content claim they didn't know you were the copyright owner of licensee.
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