Understanding this {xen:if} statement.


Well-known member
In Kier's ScratchPad Addon, the template scratchpad_index has this line -

<div id="ScratchpadNoNotes" class="secondaryContent {xen:if '{$notes}', 'hasNotes'}">There are no notes yet.</div>

I'm wondering what exactly is {xen:if '{$notes}', 'hasNotes'} doing?

My Guess: It's inserting class as 'hasNotes' if there are no notes.

Am I right?
In the case of that example, it's adding the CSS class hasNotes to the div, if the $notes variable is true.
And you can keep the false part empty if you don't need it ;)
{xen:if [condition], [what to add if the condition is true]}
Okay, what if I only want to insert the false condition?

In the case of that example, it's adding the CSS class hasNotes to the div, if the $notes variable is true.
Well, this is what the related CSS says -

display: none;

So, what if $notes is false?
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