XF 1.4 Unable to Upload New Images to User Profile


New member
I am currently baffled by this unforeseen issue of being unable to upload images to a user profile, much less my own. I've tried to resize the images assuming that there was a data size issue, however it did not solve the problem. This is the message that I'm left with after attempting to upload an image to my own user profile on the forums: http://prntscr.com/5u9pqi The original profile picture data is still there and is left untouched. The problem lies in the inability to even upload an image to the profile. I haven't tried to see if the problem also occurs when uploading an image to a thread. Might there be an easy solution?
That message is generated when image processing fails for avatars. Its worth checking whether their might be an issue with imagemajick, if you go to admin.php?options/list/attachments then check whther GD or iagemagick is selected, switch back to GD, trial it, then switch to imagemagick, if it allows you to. If you were on imagemagick before and it doesn't work now, that would suggest an issue with imagemajick extension in php
That message is generated when image processing fails for avatars. Its worth checking whether their might be an issue with imagemajick, if you go to admin.php?options/list/attachments then check whther GD or iagemagick is selected, switch back to GD, trial it, then switch to imagemagick, if it allows you to. If you were on imagemagick before and it doesn't work now, that would suggest an issue with imagemajick extension in php
Ah, I think I mentioned that the issue wasn't in attaching images or files to messages but rather in uploading for profile settings. However I will look into it in case the issue is the same thing. Thanks for your info. I'll consider it a possibility.

Edit: Looked into it and it does seem to be the issue of jsut uploading anything overall. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
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