XF 2.1 unable to send email

The troubleshooting guide here will identify the cause of most common errors:

Can you C/P the error with stack trace and request state, kinda hard to see the full thing being a screenshot.

سجل خطأ الخادم
  • Swift_TransportException: Email to raoufmhd87@gmail.com failed: Unable to send mail.
  • src/XF/Mail/Mailer.php:295
  • أنشأت بواسطة: حساب غير معروف
  • 11 مارس 2019 في 23:50
Stack trace
#0 src/XF/Mail/Queue.php(138): XF\Mail\Mailer->send(Object(Swift_Message), NULL, Array)
#1 src/XF/Job/MailQueue.php(12): XF\Mail\Queue->run(G)
#2 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(253): XF\Job\MailQueue->run(G)
#3 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(195): XF\Job\Manager->runJobInternal(Array, G)
#4 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(79): XF\Job\Manager->runJobEntry(Array, G)
#5 job.php(42): XF\Job\Manager->runQueue(false, 8)
#6 {main}
Request state
array(4) {
["url"] => string(14) "/forum/job.php"
["referrer"] => string(43) "http://www.droit-dz.com/forum/threads/4155/"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
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