XF 2.2 Unable to install XenForo plugin


New member

I am setting up a new system with XenForo, it's my first time using it, and I ran into troubles that are beyond my knowledge.

The system itself is Ubuntu server 20.04 on a VirtualBox VM with eight cores, sixteen gig of ram, 120GB of disk. The host has almost no other load on it.

I installed Apache, MySQL, PHP, configured the database, and installed Wordpress. I occasionally have to maintain Wordpress stuff for others, this part is familiar.

I downloaded the XenForo plugin, and it failed when attempting to upload. The system is behind Cloudflare and incoming requests pass through an nginx reverse proxy. I have another system that requires large upload limits, so I set nginx to pass up to 64 meg, and then modified php.ini to permit 64 meg, as well as increasing timeouts. This permitted the install to get to 40% before it failed.

The VM is running on an R&D machine in my house. Once it's complete, I'll upload it to its permanent home. I disabled the domain in nginx and added an entry for it in /etc/hosts, so I could access it directly. Removing those two layers did not permit an install.

I have never used wp-cli, but decided I'd give it a try:

cd /var/www/html
wp --allow-root plugin install xenforo_2.2.2_Internet-Hope-Machin_229123E74B_full.zip

The package could not be installed. "No valid plugins were found."

I tried unpacking it in the wp-content/plugins directory, same problem there.

This is what is actually in the zip file:

Any suggestions on what the next step would be??
That's the core XF files, not an add-on.

XF has nothing to do with WP - it must be installed in an empty directory, outside other software.

Installation instructions for XF are here: https://xenforo.com/docs/xf2/install-upgrade/
Welp, that would definitely be one reason why Wordpress won't take it.

I was told that installing this was all about community stuff for Wordpress. I guess I need to spend a little more time with the guy who's going to do the customization ;-)
It's not really clear what you are trying to achieve but XF and WP are different standalone software.

Each must be installed in its own directory with its own database.

Any form of integration between the two would require customisation or an add-on, depending on the level of integration you want to achieve.
It's not really clear what you are trying to achieve but XF and WP are different standalone software.

Each must be installed in its own directory with its own database.

Any form of integration between the two would require customisation or an add-on, depending on the level of integration you want to achieve.
Yes, I was told I needed to get XenForo and something called XPress. Thanks for explaining XenForo's role, I think I can sort it out from here.
Xpress is a bridge between XF and WP.

Install WP and XF in different directories and databases. Then install Xpress as an add-on in XF and then you can configure the link between XF and WP.
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