XF 1.4 Trying to upgrade from 1.4.4 to 2.1


Tried a fresh install of 2.1 on a new server but then realised you can't actually upgrade unless the databases are on the same server and there doesn't seem to be an upgrade option for 1.4.4

So then thought I'd upgrade the original install but when going to the /install folder it reverts back the the root with the following 404

/index.php?upgrade/ rather than /firework_forum/index.php?upgrade.

Any help appreciated.
there doesn't seem to be an upgrade option for 1.4.4
Do you mean upgrading via the ACP?
If so, that's only available from XF2.1 onwards.

You can always upgrade directly to the latest version though.
You just need to upload the files to the server then navigate to the install directory, which is domain.com/install/index.php?upgrade/
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