XF 2.2 Trying to move servers and having issues...


Active member
My host recently sent me an email about specials they were. having. In looking at their specials I saw that I could upgrade from what I have now (10 CPU Cores, 48 GB of ram, and 300 GB NVME) to a server with 16 CPU Cores, 64 GB of RAM and 500 GB of NVME drive space for a few buck less then what we are paying now.

The current server is a server has WHM and Cpanel, and the new server has WHM and Cpanel as well. Both running the same OS and same versions of everything. I have full root access to both servers.

When doing a transfer from the old server to the new the transfer aborts when moving the database from the old server to the old. My database is about 4.1 GB in size.

Anyways after trying the transfer a few times through WHM I then manually moved everything over, including doing a MySQLDump. and moved it to the new server by hand...

I have moved servers many times and never had issues...

But now when I try going to my admin.php I get an error message of <!-- MySQL statement prepare error [1146]: Table &#039;move_xenforo.xf_upgrade_check&#039; doesn&#039;t exist -->

I am NOT a database guy so I am at a loss.

I don't know what to do now. Is there a service or someone that can help me move without breaking the bank? I am just about to say screw it and stay on our old server.

I guess you could try to ask your host for some advice and help, as you're probably on unmanaged hosting plan.

Also, you should create DB on new server, create user and give it full rights to DB with same names as on old server. Then, you should import DB. This is explained here with simplest steps:

Okay, then I don't know. I usually use cPanel for creating DB, creating users, and giving them rights. Only after that I use mysqldump for importing data into DB

And it just works.
the db likely didn't package up completely as it appears the table is missing/corrupt. There's likely more tables after the fact.

Cpanel to cpanel moves are cake... not sure why you're having such issues. It even has built in timeout portection.

I would suggest blowing the new server out (Delete everything) and starting over with the whm migration tool.


4gb should move in a few seconds server to server, especially in the same dataceneter.
Okay, then I don't know. I usually use cPanel for creating DB, creating users, and giving them rights. Only after that I use mysqldump for importing data into DB

And it just works.
Yeah, I have moved a number of them over the. years and never. had issues like this.

I just need to find someone trustworthy who can take a look and see where I screwed up.
I would suggest blowing the new server out (Delete everything) and starting over with the whm migration tool.
I am going to do that tomorrow I think, the new server is running MySQL 8 and the old server is running MariaDB, that is the only difference between the two that I can think of.
upgrade to maria first to keep it in line... likely won't be an issue but Maria is better/more modern than that fork. super simple workflow. do it before you move.
upgrade to maria first to keep it in line... likely won't be an issue but Maria is better/more modern than that fork. super simple workflow. do it before you move.
Unfortunately they don't let you do that anymore.

Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 8.56.26 PM.webp

I have been in talks with Cpanel support and am told that I need to reimage and install Cpanel with MariaDB then.

As I said I NEVER had issues moving before. This is driving me nuts.

i didn't realize they took that away.
Same comment though -- better to do it now and get the platform 100% before you have data on it and it makes it that much harder.

blow it out, rebuild with maria.
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