XF 2.0 Trying to figure out this query how to write it. Need help...


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Just to say I come from .NET background and would know how to do this simply in .NET however Php I am just picking up, together with XENFORO stuff and trying to make sence of it.

all I am trying to do is get all the lets call the entity again Players that are (this time) not playing the Games entity.

$players = $this->finder('XX:Players')
            ->with('PlayerGamesLink', true)
            ->where('PlayerGamesLink.game_id', $game_id)->fetch();
This above will get me all the players that are playing the game, since they are all linked in the playergameslink table.

I am having hard time getting all the players from Players table, that are not already assigned to the game.

So query would be something like this

left join PlayerGamesLink PGL
on P.player_id = PGL.player_id
where PGL.player_id == null

HM, this might be achivable to do it... but is there a better way to do this? I am thinking there's gotta be an easier way to pull just the players I need.
actually I did some thinking and this query will not be sufficient. This is what I am looking to do with finder. How to do this? Please help.

SELECT * FROM player P
where not exists(
    select * from gameplayerlink g
where g.player_id == p.player_id && g.game_id= 1)

Game id would be passed in... Please help!! Anybody, this seems to me such a simple query, need to get a boost start :)
FROM players
LEFT OUTER JOIN gameplayerlink
ON (players.player_id = gameplayerlink.player_id)
WHERE gameplayerlink.player_id IS NULL
AND gameplayerlink.game_id = x
No, I have this query, this is what I need.
SELECT * FROM player P
where not exists(
    select * from gameplayerlink g
where g.player_id == p.player_id && g.game_id= 1)

I want to write this in such way like this to get the player entity and fetch(), is that even possible? Something like this?

$players = $this->finder('XX:Players')
            ->with('PlayerGamesLink', true)
            ->where('PlayerGamesLink.game_id', $game_id)->fetch();

just with the query I have above? Does anybody know how to do this, I dont want to execute the sql query if I dont have to. Obviously this code above does not do the trick as I am joining to the gameslink table 1 to 1 (with the join), I need to be able to do

where not exists

Is this even possible to be done... I am hitting my head against the wall here :)
FROM players
LEFT OUTER JOIN gameplayerlink
ON (players.player_id = gameplayerlink.player_id)
WHERE gameplayerlink.player_id IS NULL
AND gameplayerlink.game_id = x

By the way this query would be able to be written in such way, but its not correct. It does not return anything, as there are no records with such criteria.

So I was able to do this with 2 finder queries. @Chris D / @Brogan (Some of the xenforo guys), can you please tell me if there is an easier way to do this.

$playersAssigned = $this->finder('XX:Players')
            ->with('GamesPlayersLink', true)
            ->where('GamesPlayersLink.game_id', $game_id)->fetch();

        $playersLeft = $this->finder('XX:Players')
            ->where('player_id', '<>', array_keys($playersAssigned->toArray()))->fetch();

There's probably a few ways to do this. This is another approach that uses PHP to filter:

$players = $this->finder('XX:Players')->with('GamesPlayersLink')->fetch();

$playersAssigned = $players->filter(function(XX\Entity\Players $player) use ($game_id)
    return ($game_id == $player->GamesPlayersLink->game_id);

$playersLeft = $players->filter(function(XX\Entity\Players $player)
    return !$player->GamesPlayersLink;
Thanks @Chris D for answer. I am just trying to grasp the concepts since I am newbie when it comes to php and dont want to pile up code that is not necessary unless needed. So there is no way to achieve this with 1 single filter.. Basically there is not a way to do where not exists without writing the query and doing the execute on query itself against db?
If the objective is to get a list of players who are part of game 1 and a separate list of players who aren't, then I'm not sure I can see how that can be done with a single query.

If the objective is to only get a list of players who are not in game 1 then I guess it would be:
$playersLeft = $this->finder('XX:Players')
    ->where('GamesPlayersLink.player_id', NULL)
    ->where('GamesPlayersLink.game_id', 1)
I think that's it, as long as I'm understanding what you need correctly.
What I am trying to do is to have an action to add more players to the game. So just 1 query. In sql this is what I am trying to get.

SELECT * FROM player P
where not exists(
    select * from gameplayerlink g
where g.player_id == p.player_id && g.game_id= 1)

So when I pop the add new players action, I dont want to see the list fo the players that are already playing the game for the game_id

I jsut want to see the players who are not playing the game, so I can select them and add them to the game. Reason why I was doing two queries is because I did not know how to execute his query single time to return the list of players.

Hope it makes sense.
$playersLeft = $this->finder('XX:players') ->with('GamesPlayersLink') ->where('GamesPlayersLink.player_id', NULL) ->where('GamesPlayersLink.game_id', 1) ->fetch();

Btw, this does not return correct items. It returns an empty set while the query above returns 2 records (which is what it should be returned)
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