Implemented True UTF-8 support - MySQL utf8mb4


Well-known member
MySQL's utf8 data type only supports 3-byte characters, not the full 4 byte characters.

MySQL only recently as of MySQL 5.5 now supports the full UTF-8 encoding set via the table coolation type utf8mb4.

This means ios emoji icons (and likely other mobile devices who move to offer the same support) and non-English characters are impacted.

After derailing a support ticket, and seeing it happening to another one;
People involved in those last threads who may be interested: @RobinHood, @Tracy Perry, @cclaerhout, @Omar Bazavilvazo @tyteen4a03
Upvote 34
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Not so much having the space as it is having 3rd party code back up something that should be done from the CLI to begin with.
Agree with add-on process generally. I use system CRON jobs, but I thought you could create your own CRON job in XenForo to perform the same function with a custom PHP instead of a script.
Hi there,

I've done a simple addon translating the Input to the EmojiOne format, and then converting it back into smileys at render time ... Works well, without any impact on the database. Just saying ... ;)
Is this downloadable from the RM?
If this is not supported in XF2 I need to find a solution for this.
I hope it is, otherwise I need an add-on for that.
I also think it's too risky to do, It's so easy to mess things up.
It's not too hard to make it work, but the problem is when things change. When you have to update your forum or add-ons. When you forget to update 1 line or when you don't do it in the correct order you're ****** :LOL:
It's not just database changes required but also changes to the core code to ensure that full Unicode isn't stripped using the input filterer.
Well, something will have to give way at some point. Obviously no one can go to 2.0 "right now" as it's still an Alpha. It will be released this year but now is the time to start planning how you're going to make the move, what work is required, how much it will cost (assuming development is involved) etc. That will at least allow you to tell everyone who wants emojis what the ETA is for that.

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