Lack of interest Translation should be an easier job

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Hello there,

I would like to say Xenforo indeed is a better in contrast to my original one, but somehow the translation tasks are pretty harsh.

I think translation should allow us to export only untranslated string, also the translated ones.
In addition to this, I think Xenforo should also support GetText format, easily to manage the ones who missed out of translating.

Upvote 5
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I think translation should allow us to export only untranslated string, also the translated ones.
In addition to this, I think Xenforo should also support GetText format, easily to manage the ones who missed out of translating.

There is an add-on for this (Developer Kit).
It is not fully compatible with 1.3 but you can activate it, if you need and deactivate it otherwise.
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