XF 2.0 translated sentences are not updated

Open your browser console and then save a translation, does anything show in the error console? Have you tried disabling mod sec and then save a translation?
Possibly, you may have to ask your host, if mod sec is indeed causing a problem, they can identify the rule that is being triggered and whitelist it.
this will have something to do with this it came to me when I updated to xenforo 2 in a subfolder

The following warnings were detected when verifying that your server can run XenForo:

1.Your server has disabled a core PHP function exec via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.

2.Your server has disabled a core PHP function escapeshellarg via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.

3.Your server has disabled a core PHP function proc_open via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.

4.Your server has disabled a core PHP function popen via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
Then your server will not meet the requirements to run XF2. If you wanted to ever upgrade to XF2 you would need to find a host that meets the requirements.
The following are minimum requirements:
  • PHP 5.4 or newer (PHP 7.2 recommended)
  • MySQL 5.5 and newer (Also compatible with MariaDB/Percona etc.)
  • All of the official add-ons require XenForo 2.0.
  • Enhanced Search requires at least Elasticsearch 2.0.
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