XF 2.1 Toggle bbCode should reset on post or cancel

Tom McIntyre

Active member
If the toggle bbCode is turned to text mode, the editor remains in text mode for that user. The behavior in xF1.5 was to clear the text edit state and our users find this behavior very confusing.

I cannot find a control to change this behavior.
When the user complained about the confusing behavior, I recalled that I needed to switch the editor to see the formatting in the post, but I did not recall it persisting to other posts.

I do not have an XF1.5 site to test it on..

I can probably convince them that it works correctly. :)
The behavior is different than in 1.5 because there was simply a user setting for this and it applied to all devices, which isn't necessarily desirable in all cases. 2.x maintains this preference per device, so whatever you set it to there is rememberd.
You can highlight it for users though. Add the following to extra.less for each of your styles - this changes the color of the double square brackets to red when codeview is active and green when the WYSIWYG is active:

/* make codeview toggle icon more visible when active */
.fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn[data-cmd="xfBbCode"]
    color: @xf-successColor !important;
    &.fr-active { color: #B10704 !important; }
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