Fixed toggle bb code button eats up line breaks on toggle (XF2.3B4)


Well-known member
Affected version
2.3 Beta 4
So, I noticed this while editing existing posts on my own forum. Replicated here.

Basically, if you edit the post containing content like this:

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

If visual mode is on, the content remains like this. But if you press the bbcode toggle button, it loses all space and turns into this:

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL][URL unfurl="true"][/URL][URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

I usually edit in bbcode mode and I was noticing that all the posts I was editing had all space gone. Does not seem to happen with normal text.
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