Fixed Timeout on group permissions modification


Well-known member
When editing usergroup's permission on my forum (500 000+ members), I have two problems :
- PHP timeout
- Server timeout

Would it be a good idea to add that AJAX page while rebuilding permissions, when editing theses permissions, to avoir timeout ?

It actually does this already when it thinks it's necessary. We may need to force this when editing the registered group at least.
The easiest workaround would be to increase whatever time out it's hitting. There are a couple potential ones, so it's hard for me to give specifics; it could be a PHP timeout (php.ini), a FPM timeout or some other sort of process killer.

That said, it shouldn't really be all that common. It's worth cleaning up your permission caches in the rebuild caches section which may reduce the amount of work required.
That would be a faster, but the number of combinations or the number of nodes are likely to be more significant (though they all multiply the amount of work required in total).
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