XF 2.1 Time format shown with posts


Well-known member
How can we change time format that is shown everywhere (time of posts, etc).

I looked in ACP, in my profile (in phpBB you can change how you see time beside forum default), I maybe overlooked it. Is there possibility to change time format? Also, I would like that time is not shown like today, yesterday, but that I always see full date with time. Examples below:

Friday, 17.12.2019. 17:05:34
17. Dec. 2019. 17:05
vB has special date and time page in settings, with this as example:

Format For Date
Format in which the date is presented on vBulletin pages:

See: http://www.php.net/manual-lookup.php?function=date

US Format (e.g., 04-25-98): m-d-y
Expanded US Format (e.g., April 25th, 1998): F jS, Y
European Format (e.g., 25-04-98): d-m-y
Expanded European Format (e.g., 25th April 1998): jS F Y
Format For Time
Format in which the time is presented on all vBulletin pages:

See: http://www.php.net/manual-lookup.php?function=date

AM/PM Time Format (eg, 11:15 PM): h:i A
24-Hour Format Time (eg, 23:15): H:i
Format For Registration Date

phpBB allows even that each user sets own preferences.
Thanks, this was a bit not obvious to me.

I have one more question, when I use this format: l, d.m.Y - H:i:s I get this for older posts:
  • Tuesday, 10.12.2019 - 12:56:49
But, newer post only day, not date, i.e.:
  • Monday at 21:24:28
Mouse hover shows date, but it is not visible without hovering. Is there setting for something like this?
Was there ever an answer to this? I too want to get rid of the relative timestamp.

I have a suspicion that it's not possible. I personally find it quite annoying and want to banish it from my forum.
Also been wanting an answer to this. Seems like such a simple thing yet there's been no answer to it.
Indeed and the irony is that it's actually easier from a coding point of view just to show the full date and time the whole time, right from the moment the post is made. It took extra effort to create something that we don't like! 🤦‍♂️ I'd even want it to show the day of the week.
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I'd even want it to show the day of the week
I would like that I can set my own date and time format, like on vBulletin, or, even better, like with phpBB, where each user can use own, if he doesn't like the one I set for the website.

This is really something that is missing with Xenforo. A simple, and yet so important (at least to me) thing.
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I would like that I can set my own date and time format, like on vBulletin, or, even better, like with phpBB, where each user can use own, if he doesn't like the one I set for the website.

This is really something that is missing with Xenforo. A simple, and yet so important (at least to me) thing.
Couldn't agree more. Total flexibility isn't hard to do, yet I didn't even get a reply from @Brogan when I tagged him in a previous post in this thread. We're paying customers, not just random forum users with an attitude problem, so should at least get a reasonable reply to a reasonable request. Let's see if he comes back to me this time.

I have to admit that I really liked the vB ACP. It gave me a real power user feeling with that large array of finegrained options. Shame it's such a flawed product overall, or I might have gone for it.
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i think this has been answered before. from what i remember, removing relative dates would require code change. so an addon would be required.
Everything requires a code change, so that's neither here nor there. On top of that, it would be very simple to implement, literally easier than having the software make that conditional decision on how to display the date and time. It's a piece of cake for the XF developers to do.
post a feature request which is the more appropriate way to seek new functionality or change in existing functionality.

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