Fixed  Thumbnail insertion not working if editor name is not message


Active member
Hi there!

A user has shown how to integrate the editor in a custom add-on. That's what I did plus I included the attachment upload.
I found out that the insertion of an uploaded attachment doesn't work when I use this code in my ViewPublic class:
    public function renderHtml()
        $this->_params['editorTemplate'] = XenForo_ViewPublic_Helper_Editor::getEditorTemplate(
			$this, 'description', $this->_params['car']['description']

However, this one works:
    public function renderHtml()
        $this->_params['editorTemplate'] = XenForo_ViewPublic_Helper_Editor::getEditorTemplate(
			$this, 'message', $this->_params['car']['description']

The only difference is the parameter that controls the name of the textarea.

The error message is:
498TypeError: Result of expression 'editor' [undefined] is not an object. in /xenforo1b1/js/xenforo/attachment_editor.js?_v=3b22d69d:498​
I am not sure if this is a real bug but this requires us to use a field name of 'message' even if the name of the database field that stores the text is called differently.

If I change that name to 'message', I can insert the attachment thumbnail but when I save it, I get: Please enter a value for the required field 'description'.
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