Threadloom Search for XenForo 1.5.x [Deleted]

Needless to say, I have customized the layout a little.
I couldn't help paying attention to details, you should probably fix the border-radius of the upper part (header?) of each items and the sidebar. Great idea though! It didn't come to my mind to add icons to the results while I was customizing it.
Looking forward and waiting for translation integration. Extremely happy with search results so far.
Submitted a site for beta. Has 1.2m posts. Hoping it gets accepted because this looks awesome!!
Hi Bassman, I'd been hoping that we'd be able to complete this by now, but we've been spending a little more time on a natural language processing experiment and preparing for general availability. Let me work on getting an update on localization.
Up and running on our Litespeed install at Paul has been great and we couldn't be happier with the search results themselves!

I did a couple searches on your site and found that there is a large space below your footer on my mobile phone only on the search results.

Was working with Paul until he got back to me on the necessary Litespeed configuration, and didn't move forward. Paul was great to deal with, but felt I should wait a bit.

Wonder if a redesign of the results template and elesticsearch would be better...

Are you seeing a benefit or paticipation improvement from users?
I did a couple searches on your site and found that there is a large space below your footer on my mobile phone only on the search results.

Was working with Paul until he got back to me on the necessary Litespeed configuration, and didn't move forward. Paul was great to deal with, but felt I should wait a bit.

Wonder if a redesign of the results template and elesticsearch would be better...

Are you seeing a benefit or paticipation improvement from users?

Will have to look into the gap.

As far as user feedback goes, my users love the new search engine. Much more accurate than elastic search, and easier to sort through the results.
@threadloom we have 19.8 million posts and 880,000 users/month according to google analytics. This seems to go beyond your highest paid plan - is it still possible for us to use?
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