XF 2.1 Thread Title Casing Option


Well-known member
I remember there once being a thread title casing Option (e.g. to make the first letter of each word capitalized). I can't seem to find it (looked under ACP > Setup > Options > Threads, discussions and conversations). Am I missing it or did it get whacked at some point (I'm running XF 2.1.1)? Thanks!
I remember there once being a thread title casing Option (e.g. to make the first letter of each word capitalized). I can't seem to find it (looked under ACP > Setup > Options > Threads, discussions and conversations). Am I missing it or did it get whacked at some point (I'm running XF 2.1.1)? Thanks!

You can do this in templates -> extra.less for each node by hand...
.block.block--category.block--category127 a {
    text-transform: capitalize;

Change the each node number (example here 127) according to your circumstances ...
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