Thread owner (starter) permissions

Thread owner (starter) permissions [Paid] 1.0.6

No permission to buy ($18.00)


Well-known member
truonglv submitted a new resource:

[tl] Thread owner (starter) permissions - Give right permissions to thread owner (starter) for management their threads

Description: Give right permissions to thread owner (starter) for management their threads

  • Edit own thread
  • Edit any posts in their threads
  • Soft-delete any posts in their threads
  • Hard-delete any posts in their threads
  • Edit tags in their threads
  • View moderated posts in their threads
  • View deleted posts in their threads
  • Lock/unlock in their threads
  • N/A

Read more about this resource...
A normal user can move his/her own thread to a forum he/she isn't allowed to create a thread.

Can you please do not allow a normal user Unlock his/her own thread if the Moderator/Staff locked it?
Thanks a lot!

Can you please revoke the thread move option for the thread starter if the thread was also locked by staff?

Thanks again!
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I would like to make a suggestion! Can you allow the permission only if a certain prefix is selected? Example:

Let's say you have a forum category with 10 prefixes. One of them is "tutorial". Certain members (group) select this to write dedicated tutorials for the site. This gives them the control. But if they select another prefix, they do not get the control and it acts as a regular member.

Hi @truonglv , is this add-on PHP 7.4 compatible?

And could you maybe add the permission "Can edit poll"?

Also, the naming can be a bit better. Can you add "own" to the permissions? For example: "Lock/unlock own thread"
Had to test that permission to be sure that it was...
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can it let a thread owner change the PREFIX of a thread (that they started), even if admins have locked that thread? I need that.
it's local language
I will try to explain in words ...
When transferring a user to a group with the rights of your add-on, for example Curator, is it possible to provide a choice to those in which he is the author? That is, in those that aren't marked, addon rights aren't granted. The picture shows a pop-up window with the possibility of such a choice.
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