Not any add-on I've seen before - It simply looks like a custom page/module (you could get it done with xenporta) which links to threads within their mainboard forum and 5 subforums. It's interesting the concept, but I think it's a little messy. Innovative at the same time though...
Not any add-on I've seen before - It simply looks like a custom page/module (you could get it done with xenporta) which links to threads within their mainboard forum and 5 subforums. It's interesting the concept, but I think it's a little messy. Innovative at the same time though...
Do you see the arrows on the side? It scrolls or refreshes to show more threads, then when you click a icon an overlay shows search results for that subject.
This looks way more involved than any xenporta block I've ever seen.
Do you see the arrows on the side? It scrolls or refreshes to show more threads, then when you click a icon an overlay shows search results for that subject.
This looks way more involved than any xenporta block I've ever seen.
It's a javascript mechanism. All you'd need is the html code, customized css and the jquery scroll to accomplish that, which can easily be done in Xenporta if you know html, css and jquery. Then there's custom code that opens in an overlay. It'd take some doing if you know how to tweak. But it's clearly possible LOL
AND WHOA!!!!!!!!! Must be nice to have those stats = DAYUM!