XF 2.1 This node setting is confusing, and the last point may be a bug


Well-known member
Forum watch notification limit
New messages [x]
New threads

You can limit the amount of notifications that can be triggered by a user watching a forum here. For example, if you select "new threads", users will only be able to choose between no notifications or notifications when a new thread is posted. This can be used to limit the overhead of the forum watching system in busy forums.

By default "new messages" is selected.
But when I go to a forum all 3 options are available. If I read the description correctly shouldn't only "New messages" and "Don't send notifications" be shown? (Not that I want that, I wanted all so I will keep it like this.)

I selected "New threads" in admin next. That, and "Don't send notifications" were available. The seems correct.

I thought "None" meant there would be be limits. That's why I was going to choose this. But on the front end an empty menu loads. Nothing in it. You click Watch and it's an empty pop-up. What is this setting for? It doesn't do anything. This one has to be a bug? Is it to turn Watch off? Then the button should be removed and the wording should be fixed.

I can see how "none" can be ambiguous here, but the option involves limiting the amount of notifications triggered, so the option selected would be the most permissive choice allowed. New threads is a subset of new messages (which is both threads and replies). So roughly it's "Forum watch notification limit to <choice> (and fewer)".

Watching a forum still has value even with no notifications as there are filters to only show content that you watch or you can view just your watched forums.

To solidify 1 and 2 I'd say:
  • New threads and messages
  • New threads
In the admin only just to make it more clear since this states it's a limit.

On None, I get it now. The pop-up lets you click Watch to watch the forum only. I think it could be cleared up in admin and in public. None makes it sounds like there is no limit since that is the name of the setting. Perhaps call it "Watch with no notifications." The public side could be clearer too. When I saw it I was confused as to what "Watch forum" meant. The confusion, seeing this option only without seeing that notifications are possible it does not make much sense. I'm thinking "Watch forum, will I get notifications?" This is because the other selections are gone so the context is lost. Perhaps explain it in that pop-up. "Watch forum" button - in the pop-up body: "This forum will be added to your Watched list." Seems obvious to us but the context is lost when there are no options to choose.

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