Not a bug There are 1 missing files or files with unexpected contents.


Well-known member
Affected version
There are 1 missing files or files with unexpected contents. You should review these.

Im getting this error src/XF/AddOn/Manager.php Unexpected contents.
It seems like you modified that file deliberately, most likely because of the workaround posted here:

Therefore the message is expected.

Thats true I did modify it accordingly and later on I got the above message. is there anything that im doing wrong?

    protected function verifyAddOnId($addOnId)
        $addOnIds = $this->getAvailableAddOnIds();

        $index = array_search(strtoupper($addOnId), array_map('strtoupper', $addOnIds));

        if ($index !== false)
            return $addOnIds[$index];

        return $addOnId;
No. The fix you applied is correct.

The message is appearing because the file no longer contains the same contents as it did when it was released. It no longer contains the same contents because you have applied the fix that we recommended you to make.

You only need to worry about this if it shows files that you haven't edited yourself.
No. The fix you applied is correct.

The message is appearing because the file no longer contains the same contents as it did when it was released. It no longer contains the same contents because you have applied the fix that we recommended you to make.

You only need to worry about this if it shows files that you haven't edited yourself.

How do I make this message go away? Or should I wait for the upcoming release?
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