XF 2.1 Themehouse UIX2 - Upgrade to 2.1, extra.less stops working but core css remains. Anyone else seen this?


Active member
I've upgraded to XF2.1, and am using UIX2 from Themehouse on my site, but the theme isn't rendering any of the custom changes in extra.less. It's like they aren't there, but all core css is still functioning correctly.

I've checked and same child theme that was used for XF2.0 is being used, also for that child theme extra.less still has the modifications there. How can the extra.less which is attached to a theme not be rendering on the live site? Any assistance or previous solutions much welcome
I've upgraded to XF2.1, and am using UIX2 from Themehouse on my site, but the theme isn't rendering any of the custom changes in extra.less. It's like they aren't there, but all core css is still functioning correctly.

I've checked and same child theme that was used for XF2.0 is being used, also for that child theme extra.less still has the modifications there. How can the extra.less which is attached to a theme not be rendering on the live site? Any assistance or previous solutions much welcome

I believe if you have an error in the extra.less, even as small as a syntax error, it will stop working.

For custom support you need to ask @ThemeHouse ;)

Regards, SyTry
Themehouse support have been awesome actually over the past year I've been using their products, and I'm waiting on a response from them also, but thought that maybe someone else using UIX2 might have encountered a similar issue and maybe I'm missing something small that would fix this.

Currently my site looks like it was built by a 6 year old. ;)
It is new to xenforo 2.x

I accidentally discovered it when I was making changes to 2.1 extra.less. One syntax error in my css and all my previous changes stopped working.
I was using 2.0.7 with having issues with extra.less prior to upgrade, but I'll double check just in case.
Just a note in case anyone else comes here...
I came here looking for an answer to exactly the same question, especialy since I'm also a Themehouse UI.X2 user....
And, sure enough!... I had a tiny error in the syntax that was killing it! Thanks!!! :)

[UPDATE: I later found that the syntax error was being logged by XenForo as server errors. So check there if you're unsure.]
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