The Ladies' Lounge

Shoess...argh hate shoes and shoe shopping is akin to torture to me :p

Clothes shopping I dislike too, can never find anything I like very much.

Congrats on the Surgery approval Liz :D
Shoess...argh hate shoes and shoe shopping is akin to torture to me :p

Clothes shopping I dislike too, can never find anything I like very much.

Congrats on the Surgery approval Liz :D

yeah shoe shopping is something I avoid like the plague lol. My guy friends think I'm a freak of female-kind lol but they like not getting dragged around shoe shops by me lol.
yeah shoe shopping is something I avoid like the plague lol. My guy friends think I'm a freak of female-kind lol but they like not getting dragged around shoe shops by me lol.

hehehe yeah my hubby is the same, he appreciates not having to spend hours in shoe shops... I honestly don't get that with some girls, why are they so obsessed with shoes?
hehehe yeah my hubby is the same, he appreciates not having to spend hours in shoe shops... I honestly don't get that with some girls, why are they so obsessed with shoes?

I know!!! It's crazy! And they spend a fortune on them too! I spend a lot on the shoes I do get, but that's generally because there aren't any cheaper ones.

Girls are weird sometimes. haha!
Girls are weird sometimes. haha!

Yep sometimes :p

When I go to our local Mall, I will mostly see 1000's of Paris Hilton look-a-likes lol it amuses the heck out of me that anyone would try so hard to look like someone who is such an incredibly fascile and useless individual... I understand she charges charities in the order of $100,000 to attend an event, if I was a mega rich person I would deliberately avoid any such parties on principle.

I absolutely love the Lily Allen song The Fear.. if you know it.. it sums up all the little the Paris' of this world perfectly ;)

Warning.. F bombs ahead if you are sensitive ;)

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hehehe yeah my hubby is the same, he appreciates not having to spend hours in shoe shops... I honestly don't get that with some girls, why are they so obsessed with shoes?

Shoes subconsciously suggest the vagina. Or possibly both bits of equipment - there are Stone Age carvings that do that!
That's why there's a male shoe fetish. But girls? I dunno ...

In nature the male sexual focus is totally everywhere! The female of the species is the one who (typically) has the equipment to distinguish the appropriate sexual partner. as in "will reproduce with me."
So female birds distinguish the precisely correct song ... males sing a set of notes that say "I'm male I'm fertile lemme visit." The female listens and chooses the correct one from copies and cheats. Yes some males try to cheat!
Female mammals likewise check out certain voices, or movements, or fur colouring etc.
The male meanwhile will merrily try to stick it to anything that moves his own species or inanimate objects. A playful chap.

However males do also get imprinted by certain strong experiences. Baby male gets the imprint of X and associates it with sex. Cheep cheep whammo OH! I just discovered sex guys! Trouble is he can then get stuck on PART of the picture.
Hence human males have all these fetishes like shoes, high boots, types of belts, uniforms, blonde hair etc.
Maybe this accounts for why porn aimed at men is one of the biggest industries on the planet. As a species we need a massive education system to train that wandering male wand in the right direction!

I do think we females are the evolutionary plodders, the reliable ones. Males I think were the Goddess on a playful day saying let's have fun. "Let's see let's stick a sensitively sculpted bit on HERE and make it movable oooh ve-e-ery cute ...
and what about some lovely fluffy bits here and there, oooh yes he looks grand now.
Hmm some bigger shoulders I think for lugging things around can't make him just a toy.
Here you are ladies see what you think."

Well Plato had his myths of creation so I do too! (ref Symposium, Aristophanes)
Scuse me my humour is very uppermost today I get like that when John's away. Well I'm hitting the road now and we'll be reunited in an hour and a half.
Yep sometimes :p

When I go to our local Mall, I will mostly see 1000's of Paris Hilton look-a-likes lol it amuses the heck out of me that anyone would try so hard to look like someone who is such an incredibly fascile and useless individual... I understand she charges charities in the order of $100,000 to attend an event, if I was a mega rich person I would deliberately avoid any such parties on principle.

I absolutely love the Lily Allen song The Fear.. if you know it.. it sums up all the little the Paris' of this world perfectly ;)

Warning.. F bombs ahead if you are sensitive ;)

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I've never really listened to that song before... I like how it makes a point about what people get hung up on as the important things in life.

Yeah totally... I don't get that whole wannabe thing, especially when the person you're copying is so superficial and well, yeah - useless. It's sad.

Why would charities pay that much for someone to attend their event???! Surely that money could be much better spent?!

On a side note, I can't see Lily Allen without thinking of the Sheriff of Nottingham and Robin Hood lol (Her dad played the Sheriff in the BBC series).
Shoes subconsciously suggest the vagina. Or possibly both bits of equipment - there are Stone Age carvings that do that!
That's why there's a male shoe fetish. But girls? I dunno ...

OK that's just weird .. shoes vaginas.. not getting it LOL shoes are hard and stiff and not even slightly .. ok won't go there lol.

Mind you I once *had* to give a very expensive and very beautiful pair of suede high heels in red and black to someone's girlfriend, after this guy admired them wayyy toooo much :o ewwww lol .. here Jen.. you wear them, no please keep them...

They were sexy shoes... but seriously!
Well, we are still in insurance purgatory. My peer to peer review is still pending to make it IN network and dh's primary/my secondary is still pending. And we are due in New York a week from yesterday!
Well, we are still in insurance purgatory. My peer to peer review is still pending to make it IN network and dh's primary/my secondary is still pending. And we are due in New York a week from yesterday!
That sucks! Hope it all clears up before the big day.
STRESSED backwards is DESSERTS, or so my local coffee shop tells me. ;)

Have a headache today which sucks because I've sworn off alcohol for weeks, have been eating healthfully (homemade chicken soup yesterday), and sleeping copious amounts. I don't deserve a headache!

Looking forward to getting the kitchen done and back to a more normal work routine - the guilt of not doing what I should be doing for our site is starting to get to me. Maybe that's the headache? Bleh.

How's everyone?
STRESSED backwards is DESSERTS, or so my local coffee shop tells me. ;)

Have a headache today which sucks because I've sworn off alcohol for weeks, have been eating healthfully (homemade chicken soup yesterday), and sleeping copious amounts. I don't deserve a headache!

Looking forward to getting the kitchen done and back to a more normal work routine - the guilt of not doing what I should be doing for our site is starting to get to me. Maybe that's the headache? Bleh.

How's everyone?
YES, I know...trouble is, desserts also spell FAT!

Make sure you aren't sleeping with the covers over your head, causes what I refer to as a "turtle headache" lack of oxygen type one.

Well, I'm still approved out of network. Lost the peer to peer for in network. Now we still need to hear about our other insurance. (that would cover me for the difference).

Yes, I am still stressed.
I can't find how to change the colour of the border round the avatars.
It's gone red because in the color palette it links with something else -
does anyone know how to find it in style attributes?
If you want to modify it directly without it affecting other areas go into the xenforo.css template and locate the following code: And then modify the border: solid 1px @primaryLighter; and replace @primarylighter with a hex or rgb value of your choice.

    padding: 2px;
    border: solid 1px @primaryLighter;
    border-radius: 4px;
    background-color: @contentBackground;

    /*padding: 3px;
    background: white;
    border: solid 1px #eee;
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0, 0.25);
    -webkit-transform: rotate(-2deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(-2deg);*/
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