Thank you XenForo Team!

Recep Baltaş

Well-known member
Every single year, I'm thinking about what a good decision I've made switching to XenForo -from vBulletin. And today, after upgrading the entire forum and all of the official add-ons in less than 5 minutes, you can imagine the joy I had.

Thank you for constantly developing the software and applying new technology when possible.

People say forums are dying. No, our forum is growing day by day with a 120K daily unique users. And this is possible with the help of XenForo. While our competitor literally use the same forum interface for 18 years, we excite our users with new functions and interfaces every year.

Thank you for making this possible XenForo Team.
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Yes. For me, the most exciting part of having a forum are the upgrades now that they are so easy to do and having my site looking pretty :love: BTW, where is a link to your forum so I can visit?
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