[TH] XenBlog [Deleted]

Hello, borbole, I'm interesting in buying you plugin but i've got one issue to clarify. Can you please help me?

As i've read above plugin has posibility to insert PHP code in blog (from ACP only). Also i've found screenshot: https://xenforo.com/community/attachments/5-png.109619/.
Judging by the screenshot, I make the assumption that i can paste RAW PHP code (which would be executed on server with XenForo) in blog entry, am i right?
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Hello, borbole, I'm interesting in buying you plugin but i've got one issue to clarify. Can you please help me?

As i've read above plugin has posibility to insert PHP code in blog (from ACP only). Also i've found screenshot: https://xenforo.com/community/attachments/5-png.109619/.
Judging by the screenshot, I make the assumption that i can paste RAW PHP code (which would be executed on server with XenForo) in blog entry, am i right?

This is not my mod anymore. You should ask its new owner @Mike Creuzer.
So are the bugs being worked on for this mod? My users really like it, but it needs work. The main problem is when posting comments on a blog, you get an "unspecified error". The comment shows up IF you refresh the page, but if you don't, it looks like it didn't post.

Also, the comment system itself needs an overhaul with better tracking and a threaded reply system.

If you can at least fix the comment bug for now, that would be great. Thanks!

@ThemeHouse @Mike Creuzer
So are the bugs being worked on for this mod? My users really like it, but it needs work. The main problem is when posting comments on a blog, you get an "unspecified error". The comment shows up IF you refresh the page, but if you don't, it looks like it didn't post.

Also, the comment system itself needs an overhaul with better tracking and a threaded reply system.

If you can at least fix the comment bug for now, that would be great. Thanks!

@ThemeHouse @Mike Creuzer

Yep, we're working on fixing all of the bugs we know of in this product. After those have fixed I plan to make some drastic enhancements to make the product more 'blog-like' than it currently is :) If you want to post up any bugs you find, the best place to do so would be here :)

Just an update for the next release that will make the add-on more blog like:

This is the new blog listing to replace the thread list style that the blog list was previously used:


We're going to work on making it a bit cleaner, just want some feedback before making any more changes :)
My best feedback would be a "threaded" comment system and better notifications. So if someone replies, the blog author and/or anyone else can reply directly to that particular commet making it easier to keep track of.

And obviously update the notification system to reflect this change. The way it is now is almost "messy" with all replies just bundled together under the entry and it's hard to tell what's new or who replied to what.

Just my 2 cents! Thanks!!
Just an update for the next release that will make the add-on more blog like
We're going to work on making it a bit cleaner, just want some feedback before making any more changes :)
Great. But from the screenshots, I'm still un-clear and extremely confused on the usage and direction with this add-on. Some queries:
  • The main navigations is 'Blog' (singular) whilst the sub-nav is plural. The main nav should be plural too, 'Blogs'?
  • What is "Another Blog" and "Test Blog Entry". Are these a post to the user's blog by the owner? Or an index of Users Blogs?
  • "Another Blog" and "Test Blog Entry" both show numeric values for Messages, Blog Entries, and Comments - what's the difference between each? What are these indicating?
  • If I click on "Another Blog" and "Test Blog Entry" will I be taken to a blog post or to a list of blog posts within the users blog?
I have the same. The images not show for guests.
Hi, in Blog.php (/library/Borbole/AdminBlogs/AttachmentHandler)
protected function _canViewAttachment(array $contentData, array $viewingUser)
        return ($viewingUser['user_id'] AND XenForo_Permission::hasPermission($viewingUser['permissions'], 'blog', 'viewAttachments'));
protected function _canViewAttachment(array $contentData, array $viewingUser)
        return (XenForo_Permission::hasPermission($viewingUser['permissions'], 'blog', 'viewAttachments'));



* Set permissions for guests to view attachments
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  • The main navigations is 'Blog' (singular) whilst the sub-nav is plural. The main nav should be plural too, 'Blogs'?

We're not quite finished with changing the phrases. I don't think we'll be using "Blogs". The Blog will consist of Blog Posts or Blog Entires (not 100% sure which I'll go with, but I think blog posts makes the most sense)

  • What is "Another Blog" and "Test Blog Entry". Are these a post to the user's blog by the owner? Or an index of Users Blogs?

Those are two blog posts, this screenshot was of the main blog listing

  • "Another Blog" and "Test Blog Entry" both show numeric values for Messages, Blog Entries, and Comments - what's the difference between each? What are these indicating?

Messages is the number of messages (posts) that user has made, Blog entries is the number of blog entries that user has made, and comments is the number of comments on that specific blog entry

  • If I click on "Another Blog" and "Test Blog Entry" will I be taken to a blog post or to a list of blog posts within the users blog?

You will be taken to that blog post where you can see rating, comments, and the full post contents :)
I don't think we'll be using "Blogs". The Blog will consist of Blog Posts or Blog Entires
So what is multiple Blog's called, if not Blogs? Or is the main navigation's primary function to take a user to their own Blog, not a listing of (latest?) posts in Blog's? If the user is unregistered, then surely the primary function is for the latter?

Those are two blog posts, this screenshot was of the main blog listing
Thus, I'm at 'Blog' (which represents a user's blog) but I'm seeing multiple latest blog entries/posts from different user's blog's?

Messages is the number of messages (posts) that user has made,
Very confusing when within blog add-on. I would recommend an option to turn this display off, or provide CSS separation to be able to achieve same.

User's will have to create/update their Blog before it exists? Or every user will automatically have a Blog that is empty (contains no entries). Can a user have multiple Blog's? If so, what's the difference between each?
So what is multiple Blog's called, if not Blogs?

There aren't multiple 'blogs', there is only one blog. Blog would represent the entire system

Or is the main navigation's primary function to take a user to their own Blog, not a listing of (latest?) posts in Blog's?

The main navigation link lists out the latest blog posts from all users

Thus, I'm at 'Blog' (which represents a user's blog) but I'm seeing multiple latest blog entries/posts from different user's blog's?

There will likely be a members/user.id/blog url that will show just blog posts by a specific user (in the same format as in that screenshot

Very confusing when within blog add-on. I would recommend an option to turn this display off, or provide CSS separation to be able to achieve same.

I would definitely agree, I'll likely remove the messages from the author area of the blog post, as it is a bit confusing

User's will have to create/update their Blog before it exists? Or every user will automatically have a Blog that is empty (contains no entries). Can a user have multiple Blog's? If so, what's the difference between each?

It will by default be empty (unless the user does not have the appropriate permissions to create blog posts, then it won't exist.

Here's a good read on Blog vs blog posts: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2013/05/24/blog_post_vs_blog_this_blog_post_is_not_a_blog.html
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