[TH] Social Groups [Deleted]

Hi Jon,

A screenshot won't show anything. Basically I change the permission in the admin cp and click save. When I check it again, the permission goes back to what it was (inherit) before I saved it. I ended up getting around it by manually getting rid of the create forum buttons and adding a 403 redirect via the .htaccess file to get it to do what I needed it to do.
I meant a screenshot from the Analyze Permissions screen. Are you using any add-on that affects permissions (the Sub-domains by Waindigo add-on, for example)?
Hey Jon, I have struggled to set this up as needed and now abandoned it until I can resolve problems.

Basically I want all groups in the social category to be visible and for people to be able to apply to join. Until they are manually accepted / approved by the group owner they should not see any existence of group threads and definitely not any group thread content. This needs to be the default permissions set for all groups created under the social category node.

I would assume this is possible but couldn't get it to pan out so I've uninstalled for now. Does anyone have this set up actually working?
Waindigo updated Social Groups by Waindigo with a new update entry:

Version 1.1.0 released

Note: a new 'Join Social Forum' permission is added with this update. You will need to check your permissions after updating.

New features:

  • Added support for social forums to have URL portions.
  • Added option to stop social forum administrators from closing their social forum.
  • Added back 'Join Social Forum' permission.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixes error when link to members page of a deleted social forum is accessed. Now displays friendly error....

Read the rest of this update entry...
Posts will show in "New Posts" if they are visible to non-members of a group. Otherwise, please drop me a PM if this is a feature that you would be interest in contributing towards.

We're a once large but now small and poor community, non-paid. If you're talking about $25-35 I think we could donate to this resource (and donate to the community in general). More than this would be hard, sorry :(
We're a once large but now small and poor community, non-paid. If you're talking about $25-35 I think we could donate to this resource (and donate to the community in general). More than this would be hard, sorry :(
Probably we would be looking for more than this. Thanks so much for your offer though.
Hi @Waindigo

If you want to display your copyright in XenForo 1.3 versions need to change your template modification footer. From version 1.3 XenForo for their copyright no longer use the phrase
{xen:phrase xenforo_copyright}
now use a helper and an extra phrase
{xen:helper copyright} {xen:phrase extra_copyright}
I guess that this it is also happening in the rest of your addons.

Sorry for my English.
I don't know if I done something wrong in the permissions but one of the social forum posts is able to be viewed as a guest or a non social group member? Any suggestions? I have updated to the latest version.
Thank you for that information, is that same permissions setup for a existing social category somewhere as its not under nodes and the only other areas i have seen is the "options section" and the social category permission under user group permissions but nothing specifically to an exisiting social group

edit: or are social group members required to be setup as a different user group to use permissions within user groups
Thank you for that information, is that same permissions setup for a existing social category somewhere as its not under nodes and the only other areas i have seen is the "options section" and the social category permission under user group permissions but nothing specifically to an exisiting social group
You should be able to edit your social category permissions by selecting it from the list of nodes.
I had social groups installed late last year and have 2 groups setup, they do not appear under nodes in ACP but if i create a new social group it does create a node. Was the earlier version not using nodes if i recall correctly? Its not too much hassle to recreate the groups to make them visible in the node so i can setup the permissions correctly, just making sure im not missing anything. Thank you :)
I had social groups installed late last year and have 2 groups setup, they do not appear under nodes in ACP but if i create a new social group it does create a node. Was the earlier version not using nodes if i recall correctly? Its not too much hassle to recreate the groups to make them visible in the node so i can setup the permissions correctly, just making sure im not missing anything. Thank you :)
This add-on has always used nodes. You might be getting confused with a different Social Groups add-on.
i am using latest version of addon

i created a social category "Groupee" i also created a new social forum "Group 1" under "Groupee"

but when i am accessing "group 1" and hit post a new thread under "group 1"

The social forum "group 1" still has 0 discussion and 0 messages

but the category "Groupee" has 1 discussion and 1 messages

i just want to make The social forum "group 1" still has 1 discussion and 1 messages because a posted a thread under "group 1"

Check the permissions of the social category.

i have checked and it seems that permission is ok

my main problem is i cannot view thread under a "social forum" created on my front end name "lamo".

it only shows "There are no threads to display." and "Discussions 0 Messages 0"

even though i posted a thread under one social forum name "lamo"

Check that you have set up permission to view threads.

yes all threads permissions are set to allow

all my newly created thread is just showing under the main Social Category "Discussions: 5 Messages: 5"

but when i accessed Social Forums under Social Category it is always shows "Discussions: 0 Messages: 0" even though i posted a thread under one of my Social Forums
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