[TH] Social Groups [Deleted]

I was recommended this add-on after posting a request to find a solution to automate the creation of new forums for upgraded members. I've read all 12 pages and am still not quite sure if this mod will do what I'm looking for.

Right now I run the entire forum, ideas, posts, nodes, etc. I would prefer to give others the opportunity to create and manage their own communities. Part of this service is that all community members also have access to these new forums that community leaders create. From what I understand this mod requests members to join a new community rather than making all forum members a part of their smaller community automatically?

Ideally, the structure of the overall forum would be the way it is now (with nodes) but that upgraded members who choose to be community leaders gain access as the creator of a new node or community and automatically become the moderators too.

Can I also ask how Google indexes the posts placed within a community group?
I'm a little lost, please forgive me if this has been answered and I missed it...

How would I make all the social forums private as in no one can see the threads until they're accepted into the group? Been playing with it for little bit and I just keep going around in circles :confused:
I was recommended this add-on after posting a request to find a solution to automate the creation of new forums for upgraded members. I've read all 12 pages and am still not quite sure if this mod will do what I'm looking for.

Right now I run the entire forum, ideas, posts, nodes, etc. I would prefer to give others the opportunity to create and manage their own communities. Part of this service is that all community members also have access to these new forums that community leaders create. From what I understand this mod requests members to join a new community rather than making all forum members a part of their smaller community automatically?
You can set permissions however you want, so you can remove the option to join groups and open them all up to everyone.

Ideally, the structure of the overall forum would be the way it is now (with nodes) but that upgraded members who choose to be community leaders gain access as the creator of a new node or community and automatically become the moderators too.
This add-on uses the existing node system as a basis, so the structure is almost exactly the same. The person who creates the group can be given extra permissions through the Admin Control Panel options.

Can I also ask how Google indexes the posts placed within a community group?
Exactly the same as normal forums if you make posts visible.
I selected a social category to be the parent node to a forum. When I enter the social category, the forum link and info does not display above it. It does correctly display the Sub-Forums: 1 and link to the forum on the home page.
Is there any way to fix this?
I selected a social category to be the parent node to a forum. When I enter the social category, the forum link and info does not display above it. It does correctly display the Sub-Forums: 1 and link to the forum on the home page.
Is there any way to fix this?
This is not currently supported. You could probably fix it with some template edits -- probably a conditional in forum_view to stop it displaying nodes if it is a social forum.
Off the top of my head...
UPDATE xf_thread SET node_id = XXX, social_forum_id = YYY WHERE node_id = ZZZ
replacing XXX and YYY with the IDs of the Social Forum Category and Social Forum you want to move to, respectively, and ZZZ with the ID of the Forum that you wish to move from.

Then rebuild forum and social forum caches.
Finally gonna get around to testing this. will report back with results.
If I understand that correctly, the User must create a new Group and then I can move all the Threads to that. Is that correct?
Absolutely correct. a new group does indeed need to be made, I hope Waindigo adds in some way for you to do that with the GUI. that would be awesome.
For me, this is ok. So we can check the active Parts and delete the inactive ones.

I will change the wording for our own purposes, but one thing would be great: Change some Phrases for every own Node. Do you ever thougt of this, Waindigo?

I want one Social Category where the placeholde needs to be "Enter ne Groupname" and all others like Groups, and in the scond with Game.
The Preview function during creation throws an error.

The following error occurred:

The controllerWaindigo_SocialGroups_ControllerPublic_SocialCategorydoes not define an action calledCreateSocialForumPreview.
Maybe I am having a duh moment.. but where is the importer?

The add-on also includes an importer from the Social Groups for XenForo add-on, which can currently import to a single Social Category. In conjunction with Nodes As Tabs, this add-on can mimic most of the features of Social Groups for XenForo add-on.

I have imported my vB groups into the addon listed above.. now I can't find out to import them into this addon. It's likely me being blind but ya know!
I'm trying to uninstall this but when I click uninstall i'm given a page not found error. The mod then doesn't show in installed add-ons but when editing a forum the options for social groups are still there.
Is this mod still under development? It looks like something I need, but it also looks like it can be approved a lot.
I hope so. I installed this by mistake (How I got it mixed up with the Join Usergroup add-on I do not know) but I can't uninstall it as it gives me an error.
Maybe you should re-install and then try to uninstall again.

Or maybe you have to edit (revert) certain templates.

Good luck!
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