[TH] HTML in Node Titles [Deleted]

The possibilities are endless. I would probably just stick to basic HTML formatting of node titles though... or you could maybe add images or Font Awesome icons or things like that.

Sorry, I should have specified - I'm a code newb. What would adding HTML in the Node Titles allow us to achieve that having no HTML wouldn't?
Okay @Waindigo , the HTML in the node titles aren't working anymore. I don't know what's going on. I tried disabling all the addons except this one and that didn't work.

Any suggestions?
Is it possible to use phrases for titles with this addon or am I wishful thinking?
No, although I have tried to build an add-on for that at some point. Not sure if it worked very well though. Drop me a PM if you are interested in contributing and I'll see what I can find.
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