[TH] Holidays

[TH] Holidays 2.1.3

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Ah sorry, I was checking your screenshot. So I would have to remove the callback there. Yes indeed, but then I have to set it manually every year. Should not be needed really with php.
I did not had remove the callback in the lines below, so that must have been the reason of not working then.
Yes, that's why I said in the post with the screenshot to remove them, because the callback is prioritised over the specific dates.
No files to edit, you can just edit the holiday settings at ACP > Appearance > Holidays and remove the callback values and set the dates you want:
Seeing as this causes issues every year, I'll add new callback functions for Easter weekend (Good Friday to Easter Monday), and one for Easter Sunday and Monday, so you can choose which one you want without needing to edit files and I won't need to deal with this again next year 😂
That would be lovely, you're the best.
Any clue on as to why it started a day early in my case? Even with my time setting to UTC+1? Could that be that still be caused by daylight savings are in effect then, or something in the caclulation since Eastern always changes and has to do with being first Sunday after first full moon every year? So date changes every year?
That would be lovely, you're the best.
Any clue on as to why it started a day early in my case? Even with my time setting to UTC+1? Could that be that still be caused by daylight savings are in effect then, or something in the caclulation since Eastern always changes and has to do with being first Sunday after first full moon every year? So date changes every year?
Seems to be a quirk of how PHP generates the timestamp. It says it's 1680994800, which is 23:00 GMT on the 8th:


Directly formatting the returned date does the same thing:


That's just straight core PHP so the addon (and any code that uses this) will just use what PHP returns. I imagine it is daylight savings related though so I'll see if anything can be done to adjust for it.
Hmmz.. odd... because it started in my case the whole 8th it was present all saturday, so must have started at or after 00.00 hours.

Anyway, would be nice indeed, thanks in advance!
It would do yeah as it then sets it to the start of the day, which would be fine if it returned the 9th but 23:00 on the 8th then gets bumped to 00:00 on the 8th. I'll try and sort.
Just a little question.
In the list of examples I see this:

ThemeHouse\Holidays\HolidayCalc :: lent

I don't find this in the list of holidays and I'm not native English. What is "lent"?

I used Google... is it fast/lent like when people don't eat for a certain time?
February 2020 I created "Swiss Day" for this addon ^^
The date is easy to calculate. Is always the August 1st.
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