As designed Text of edited phrase showing html code

Mr Lucky

Well-known member
I have edited a phrase:

The edit box says I can use html so I included a line break
<br />

However when rendered on the page after a search includes words that are too small, instead of an actual line break the text shows the html code
<br />
The message is listed in all phrases as it's generally true and it's not possible to know whether or not it's always true. At best, it would lead to a tweak indicating that HTML can usually be used or simply a removal of that note.
At best, it would lead to a tweak indicating that HTML can usually be used

That would be useful. It would also be useful if there was a WYSIWYG so we can know whether it's safe to use html.

I believe as it stands the message is misleading,
So as implied, this is expected/as designed - whether HTML is appropriate is context sensitive. I've removed the implication that HTML is always valid in a phrase though.
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