template_create for css templates?

Jake B.

Well-known member
I'm trying to use template_create to add a couple variables to a css file. However, it appears template_create doesn't run for css templates. Is there any sort of known workaround for this?

- Jake
Guess I'll have to put the css into the page_container then. I was digging through XenForo to find where xenOptions was added and I found this in XenForo_CssOutput

public function renderCss()
        $cacheId = 'xfCssCache_' . sha1(
            'style=' . $this->_styleId .
            'css=' . serialize($this->_cssRequested) .
            'd=' . $this->_inputModifiedDate .
            'dir=' . $this->_textDirection .
            'minify=' . XenForo_Application::get('options')->minifyCss)
            . (XenForo_Application::debugMode() ? 'debug' : '');

        if ($cacheObject = XenForo_Application::getCache())
            if ($cacheCss = $cacheObject->load($cacheId, true))
                return $cacheCss . "\n/* CSS returned from cache. */";


        if (XenForo_Application::isRegistered('bbCode'))
            $bbCodeCache = XenForo_Application::get('bbCode');
            $bbCodeCache = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_BbCode')->getBbCodeCache();

        $params = array(
            'displayStyles' => $this->_displayStyles,
            'smilieSprites' => $this->_smilieSprites,
            'customBbCodes' => !empty($bbCodeCache['bbCodes']) ? $bbCodeCache['bbCodes'] : array(),
            'xenOptions' => XenForo_Application::get('options')->getOptions(),
            'dir' => $this->_textDirection,
            'pageIsRtl' => ($this->_textDirection == 'RTL')


        $templates = array();
        foreach ($this->_cssRequested AS $cssName)
            $cssName = trim($cssName);
            if (!$cssName)

            $templateName = $cssName . '.css';
            if (!isset($templates[$templateName]))
                $templates[$templateName] = new XenForo_Template_Public($templateName, $params);

        $css = self::renderCssFromObjects($templates, XenForo_Application::debugMode());
        $css = self::prepareCssForOutput(
            (XenForo_Application::get('options')->minifyCss && $cacheObject)

        if ($cacheObject)
            $cacheObject->save($css, $cacheId, array(), 86400);

        return $css;

But can't really do anything with that without overwriting the entire method though unfortunately :\ Guess I'll just stick the CSS into page_container
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