Fixed Template warning_info uses "points" instead of "warning_points"

Rigel Kentaurus

Well-known member
When I did the translation for 1.0.4, the only thing using "points" was trophies, so I translated "points" in a sort of positive, encouraging, context.

Warnings, have, however, a negative connotation, and the translation ended up being a little weird. IN the warning_info template, there is a place in which it says

    <dl class="ctrlUnit">
        <dt>{xen:phrase points}:</dt>
            {xen:number $warning.points}

Since we already have a phrase called "warning_points", it would make more sense to me using that, as then I can keep the old "points" in the trophies contextual translation, and then have the "warning_points" phrase for the negative, warnings one.
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