XF 1.5 Template Syntax Error?


Active member
Hello! I'm currently working on adding a new bbcode to my forum. I'm using a template for it, but I keep getting a syntax error. I'm not sure where I've gone wrong.

<xen:foreach loop="$options" value="$option">
    <xen:if is="{$option} == nb">
        <xen:set var="$nb">True</xen:set>
        <xen:set var="$num">{$option}</xen:set>

<div class="themeBox{$num} <xen:if is='{$nb} == True'>nb</xen:if>">
    {xen:raw $content}
There may be an additional issue, because using <xen:if> inside an attribute like that may not actually work (actually not sure).

But the most likely syntax issue right now is that:
Should be:
<xen:else />
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