Tempest Roleplaying - Beginning Again


Active member
I launched this forum back in 2015 with a group of friends and have had the itch to start again. Launching Tempest Roleplaying which is a crack of thunder against what most roleplay forums offer. I have started some custom development for the site which includes a full fledge roleplaying system (characters, world-building, and roleplaying section). Right now that is a major plan for the future but it will be done before August and our Beta will begin sometime in July.

Our site is currently using a theme by @DohTheme called XenAwesome and some major dependable add-ons by @Xon. Please check out the site and let me know if you have any questions!

I have added a decent amount of custom functionality to my forum.

I have changed the main theme to one by PixelExit @Russ . Getting back into coding add-ons was a breeze. Felt like a woke something up in me. I dunno.

But everything that has been added is this:
  • Partner Sites: This is a site directory management tool.
  • FAQ: This is just what is sounds like. A FAQ management tool.
  • Interlinking Threads: Threads that link together with preset tab names.
  • Thread Owners Rights: Grants thread owners the ability to edit/soft delete all posts in their own threads.
I'm planning on a whole bunch more, and this is just the start. Feel great to be back in the community.
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