Teaser threads

Sam F

Active member
How can I set up Teaser threads, that a person can see the title of the thread, but can not enter to read or view the thread until the register as a member?

Hi Borbole I found the below:
User Group Permissions: Unregistered / Unconfirmed

but how do i set it up only for some forums?
while some other forums do not need permissions?

Under Applications

Display node tree

I am trying to set it so non member can read a node title but not enter to read the posts content until they register

Unregistered / Unconfirmed

But when I try different setting the whole Node disappears.

What am I doing wrong?

As Chris said in your other thread, specific support isn't provided in the pre-sales forum.
What you are attempting to do however is possible and help and instruction would be available in the licensed customer forums.
Yes I understand, however don't you think I should know what xenForo does, since I know exactly what I need my forum to do...

I would not want to purchase, than spend the time and expense, just to find out what can not be done..

So I am seriously looking into this forum program ... and my above concerns are a must for our member forum. this is why I was playing on configuring the demo forum, and having some of our members see how it is working for our application.

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