Take this code and incorporate into a page


Well-known member
I have a working PHP script that would be better if the query printed to a XenForo page instead of outside XenForo. My brain has been numb for several days and so I'm chasing my tail instead of running straight. I could use a little direction because none of my code over the past week has worked (numerous projects).

I'd love a little success tonight. :D

Option 1: Create an XF page, add the query into a class, call that class
Option 2: Sigh and Whine. Pause. Figure out how to build this as a report form in the admin area of XenForo.
Option 3: Just keep being miserable; It's an art form worthy of simple minded people like myself.

* XenProduct Sales Report

$startTime = microtime(true);

// Set to forum location - See XenForo index.php for information
$fileDir = '/path/to/community';

require($fileDir . '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php');
XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($fileDir . '/library');

XenForo_Application::initialize($fileDir . '/library', $fileDir);
XenForo_Application::set('page_start_time', $startTime);

// Report Query

$report_qry = "
	            SELECT license_id, license_price, purchase_date FROM `xenproduct_license`
	            WHERE license_state = 'active' AND license_price != 0
	            ORDER BY `purchase_date` ASC

$licenses = XenForo_Application::get( 'db' )->fetchAll( $report_qry );

echo '<h2>Total Active Licenses: ' . count( $licenses ) . '</h2>';

// Change to desired year
$year = 15;

// Change to desired month
$month = 3;

$sum = 0;

foreach ( $licenses as $license ) {

	if ( date("y", $license['purchase_date'] ) == $year && date("m", $license['purchase_date'] ) == $month )  {

		$sum += $license['license_price'];

		echo 'License ID: '
		     . $license['license_id']
		     . ' Purchase Date: '
		     . gmdate( "m-d-y", $license['purchase_date'] )
		     . ' Price: '
		     . $license['license_price']
		     . '<br />';

echo 'The total sales $' . number_format( $sum, 2 );

If you aren't sure how to kickstart me on this little project, maybe you can at least figure out why the array_sum is wrong Update ... changed to $sum . :D

Also -- I suspect there is a much simpler way to get this information rather than using direct queries. Alas, XenProduct_Model_ is something that I'm still trying to figure out but a direct queries works for now.

Maybe it's time to go for a walk.
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Decided to go with a page. It seemed easier.

Created the following class:

* XenProduct Sales Report

class TRN_XenProduct_Model_Sales {

    public static function salesQuery(XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract $controller, XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract &$response)

        $salesQuery = XenForo_Application::get('db')->fetchAll("
                SELECT license_id, license_price, purchase_date
                FROM `xenproduct_license`
                WHERE license_state = 'active' AND license_price != 0
                ORDER BY `purchase_date` ASC");

        $response->params['licenses'] = $salesQuery;


2. Created page with proper callbacks and the following template

<xen:foreach loop="$licenses" value="$license">
{$license.license_id} - {$license.purchase_date}
<br />

This loop is very basic and doesn't do all the counts, summations etc I have in the other code but it's a start. The timestamp isn't converted either. Guess I get to learn how to do all the template things now.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

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