TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

I have a couple of members I am making mods of the Shoutbox. I've gone into their user settings and added the ability for them to delete any posts. However, neither seem to get the little arrow to the left of the names for message tools.

Am I missing something?
Just to follow up...

These two members are not in a mod user group. I only want them to be able to delete posts in Taiga Chat. So I've only edited their personal permissions to do that.
Why am I suddenly getting these file permissions errors?

#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'file_put_conten...', '/path/to/...', 138, Array)
#1 /path/to/community/library/Dark/TaigaChat/Model/TaigaChat.php(138): file_put_contents('/path/to/...', '{"robots":"<met...', 2)
#2 /path/to/community/library/Dark/TaigaChat/Model/TaigaChat.php(373): Dark_TaigaChat_Model_TaigaChat->regeneratePublicHtml(false, false)
#3 /path/to/community/library/Dark/TaigaChat/ControllerPublic/TaigaChat.php(70): Dark_TaigaChat_Model_TaigaChat->updateActivity(6870)
#4 /path/to/community/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): Dark_TaigaChat_ControllerPublic_TaigaChat->actionActivity()
#5 /path/to/community/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#6 /path/to/community/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#7 {main}

array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(54) "https://domain/community/taigachat/activity.json"
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(4) {
   ["_xfRequestUri"] => string(21) "/community/taigachat/"
   ["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
   ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
   ["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"
The chat system works fine writing to messages.html and messagesmini.html and setting permissions of the taigachat folder to 777 is not part of the instructions for this mod. I just don't want to open up a security hole allowing group writing.

What are the messages.html.xxxxxxxx.tmp files it's trying to write?
Is there any way to remove this stuff from my website's description on google search?


I've set the meta description:


And for some reason it doesn't even get that part right. Any idea why?
@Luke F I have a bizarre issue with the popup div that lets you moderate chat messages. I have re-styled TaigaChat to look like:


But as you can see, my popup arrow is not displaying. It's to the right of the username, and is there in the DOM, but it's display:none which means that $taigachat.publichtml is returning true. I have the elements in a bunch of nested divs with styling for display to either be "table", "table-row" or "table-cell" (to make it like a table without using actual table tags). If I move the code for the popup arrow outside of the parent div that has display:table, it is visible on the page (just above the avatar). Why is $taigachat.publichtml returning true when I put the popup div code (and parent xen:if statements) inside of a div table?

Here's the DOM structure of one of the username elements, which you can see the Popup is display:none just underneath:


And here's when I manually edit the style (remove it) in the DOM to be displayed:


Here's the code for dark_taigachat_message that doesn't display the popup arrow:

<li id="taigachat_message_{$message.id}" data-userid="{$message.user_id}" data-messageid="{$message.id}">
    <div class="taigachat_table" width="100%">
        <div class="taigachat_table_row">

            <div class="taigachat_table_data" id="taigachat_table_avatar"><xen:if is="{$taigachat.miniavatar}">
                <xen:avatar user="$message" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage taigachat_avatar" />
            <div class="taigachat_table_data" id="taigachat_table_message" style="padding-left: 10px;">
                <div class="taigachat_table">
                    <div class="taigachat_table_row">
                        <div class="taigachat_table_data">
                            <a {xen:if $message.user_id, 'href="{xen:link members, $message}" '}class="username" itemprop="name">
                            <xen:if is="{$message.usernameHtml}">{xen:raw $message.usernameHtml}<xen:else />{xen:helper richUserName, $message}</xen:if></a>
                            <xen:if is="!{$message.me} && !{$message.activity}"></xen:if>
                            <xen:if is="{$taigachat.editside} OR !{$taigachat.sidebar}">
                                <xen:if is="{$message.canModify} OR {$taigachat.canBan} OR {$taigachat.publichtml}">
                                    <div class="Popup" {xen:if $taigachat.publichtml, 'style="display:none"'}>
                                        <a rel="Menu"></a>
                                        <div class="Menu">
                                            <div class="primaryContent menuHeader"><h3>{xen:phrase dark_message_tools}</h3></div>
                                            <ul class="secondaryContent blockLinksList">
                                                <li><a href="{xen:link 'taigachat/edit', $message}" class="OverlayTrigger" data-cacheOverlay="false" id="taigachat_edit_{$message.id}">{xen:phrase edit}</a></li>
                                                <li><a href="{xen:link 'taigachat/delete', $message}" class="taigachat_delete" data-messageid="{$message.id}">{xen:phrase delete}</a></li>
                                                <xen:if is="{$message.user_id} > 0">
                                                    <li id="taigachat_canban_{$message.id}" class="taigachat_canban"><a href="{xen:link 'taigachat/ban', $message}" class="OverlayTrigger" data-cacheOverlay="false">{xen:phrase dark_ban_from_shoutbox}</a></li>
                <div class="taigachat_table">
                    <div class="taigachat_table_row"><div class="taigachat_table_data"><span class="{xen:if {$message.me}, 'taigachat_me'} {xen:if {$message.activity}, 'taigachat_activity'}"><div class='taigachat_messagetext ugc'>{xen:raw $message.messageHtml}</div></span></div></div>
            <div class="taigachat_table_data" id="taigachat_table_timestamp">
                <xen:if is="{$taigachat.timedisplay} == 'Absolute' || ({$taigachat.timedisplay} == 'AbsoluteTime' && !{$message.today})">
                    <span class='DateTime muted taigachat_absolute_timestamp' data-timestamp="{$message.date}" data-today="0">{xen:datetime $message.date, 'absolute'}</span>
                <xen:elseif is="{$taigachat.timedisplay} == 'Time' || ({$taigachat.timedisplay} == 'AbsoluteTime' && {$message.today})" />
                    <span class='DateTime muted taigachat_absolute_timestamp' data-timestamp="{$message.date}" data-today="1">{xen:time $message.date, 'absolute'}</span>
                <xen:elseif is="{$taigachat.timedisplay} == 'Relative'" />
                    <span class='DateTime muted'><xen:datetime time="$message.date" /></span>
                <xen:else />

And here is the code for the same that does display it (notice the code is up top now, just under the li):

<li id="taigachat_message_{$message.id}" data-userid="{$message.user_id}" data-messageid="{$message.id}">

    <xen:if is="{$taigachat.editside} OR !{$taigachat.sidebar}">
        <xen:if is="{$message.canModify} OR {$taigachat.canBan} OR {$taigachat.publichtml}">
            <div class="Popup" {xen:if $taigachat.publichtml, 'style="display:none"'}>
                <a rel="Menu"></a>
                <div class="Menu">
                    <div class="primaryContent menuHeader"><h3>{xen:phrase dark_message_tools}</h3></div>
                    <ul class="secondaryContent blockLinksList">
                        <li><a href="{xen:link 'taigachat/edit', $message}" class="OverlayTrigger" data-cacheOverlay="false" id="taigachat_edit_{$message.id}">{xen:phrase edit}</a></li>
                        <li><a href="{xen:link 'taigachat/delete', $message}" class="taigachat_delete" data-messageid="{$message.id}">{xen:phrase delete}</a></li>
                        <xen:if is="{$message.user_id} > 0">
                            <li id="taigachat_canban_{$message.id}" class="taigachat_canban"><a href="{xen:link 'taigachat/ban', $message}" class="OverlayTrigger" data-cacheOverlay="false">{xen:phrase dark_ban_from_shoutbox}</a></li>
    <div class="taigachat_table" width="100%">
        <div class="taigachat_table_row">

            <div class="taigachat_table_data" id="taigachat_table_avatar"><xen:if is="{$taigachat.miniavatar}">
                <xen:avatar user="$message" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage taigachat_avatar" />
            <div class="taigachat_table_data" id="taigachat_table_message" style="padding-left: 10px;">
                <div class="taigachat_table">
                    <div class="taigachat_table_row">
                        <div class="taigachat_table_data">
                            <a {xen:if $message.user_id, 'href="{xen:link members, $message}" '}class="username" itemprop="name">
                            <xen:if is="{$message.usernameHtml}">{xen:raw $message.usernameHtml}<xen:else />{xen:helper richUserName, $message}</xen:if></a>
                            <xen:if is="!{$message.me} && !{$message.activity}"></xen:if>
                <div class="taigachat_table">
                    <div class="taigachat_table_row"><div class="taigachat_table_data"><span class="{xen:if {$message.me}, 'taigachat_me'} {xen:if {$message.activity}, 'taigachat_activity'}"><div class='taigachat_messagetext ugc'>{xen:raw $message.messageHtml}</div></span></div></div>
            <div class="taigachat_table_data" id="taigachat_table_timestamp">
                <xen:if is="{$taigachat.timedisplay} == 'Absolute' || ({$taigachat.timedisplay} == 'AbsoluteTime' && !{$message.today})">
                    <span class='DateTime muted taigachat_absolute_timestamp' data-timestamp="{$message.date}" data-today="0">{xen:datetime $message.date, 'absolute'}</span>
                <xen:elseif is="{$taigachat.timedisplay} == 'Time' || ({$taigachat.timedisplay} == 'AbsoluteTime' && {$message.today})" />
                    <span class='DateTime muted taigachat_absolute_timestamp' data-timestamp="{$message.date}" data-today="1">{xen:time $message.date, 'absolute'}</span>
                <xen:elseif is="{$taigachat.timedisplay} == 'Relative'" />
                    <span class='DateTime muted'><xen:datetime time="$message.date" /></span>
                <xen:else />
Last edited:
Is there any way to remove this stuff from my website's description on google search?


I've set the meta description:


And for some reason it doesn't even get that part right. Any idea why?

Hey, I had the same issue (mainly because I haven't filled my forum with data/information yet). Ultimately, Google should be able to know what to put for the description based on your site structure (h3 tags, bold titles, etc), and then fill the description appropriately. However if that is not working, you can add these to the dark_taigachat_chatbox template, before and after the highest parent level div:

<!--googleoff: all-->  //instructs Google to stop looking after this point
<div class="section<xen:if is="{bla bla bla bla bla
...everything in the template...
<!--googleon: all-->  //instructs Google to start looking again

Make note to only copy.paste the googleoff and googleon lines. Everything in between is stuff already in your template, just there in my example to show context.
Hey, I had the same issue (mainly because I haven't filled my forum with data/information yet). Ultimately, Google should be able to know what to put for the description based on your site structure (h3 tags, bold titles, etc), and then fill the description appropriately. However if that is not working, you can add these to the dark_taigachat_chatbox template, before and after the highest parent level div:

<!--googleoff: all-->  //instructs Google to stop looking after this point
<div class="section<xen:if is="{bla bla bla bla bla
...everything in the template...
<!--googleon: all-->  //instructs Google to start looking again

Make note to only copy.paste the googleoff and googleon lines. Everything in between is stuff already in your template, just there in my example to show context.

You are the man! I've made this change, I'll report back if I find any issues, otherwise, great information. Thanks!
Yes, I've rebuilt the add-on caches. Might that be why?

Did you ever get this figured out? I have XenCentral Multi-Site and I'm using SSL over cloudflare and I've got speed mode disabled and the messages won't appear for me unless I refresh the page. It works fine on my live board however.
Is there any support for this paid mod anymore?

Support is always available with fast response via PM or email. Unfortunately I do not always remember to check this thread too

Anyone know why I get these access denied errors in Google Webmaster?


Those errors should be harmless, but if you want to prevent them you can add rel="nofollow" to the two links in template dark_taigachat_message

Any idea why the bottom of the chat looks so funky?

Can you PM me a link to where this occurs and a test account please?
Support is always available with fast response via PM or email. Unfortunately I do not always remember to check this thread too

Those errors should be harmless, but if you want to prevent them you can add rel="nofollow" to the two links in template dark_taigachat_message

Can you PM me a link to where this occurs and a test account please?
Thank you so much Luke,
I actually see a third link for ban, do that one also?
Is there a way for certain users to set it so they can freeze the chat and not have it auto refresh to latest shout box messages.
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