TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

Purchased & installed it with no problems at all and the users are really happy with it.

I want to put use ad_sidebar_top to display a twitter list, but just on the chat page.
I assume theres an If statement I need to add but can't workout exactly what is is.
I uninstalled TaigaChat free and try install TaigaChat Pro and my webserver return error. Please help me!

What is the error message? Is there anything logged in either the XF error log (admin cp) or your server error log?

Purchased & installed it with no problems at all and the users are really happy with it.

I want to put use ad_sidebar_top to display a twitter list, but just on the chat page.
I assume theres an If statement I need to add but can't workout exactly what is is.

<xen:if is="{$contentTemplate} == 'dark_taigachat_full'">

My MOTD seems to get cut off. How do I adjust/style it so it's legible?

View attachment 116753

View attachment 116754

Make sure your custom theme is not setting a fixed height on title bars. To workaround this you could add the following to EXTRA.css:

.taigachat_alt .nodeList .categoryStrip { height: auto !important; }

Note that the background image on your title bars will need to be tiled in both directions
What is the error message? Is there anything logged in either the XF error log (admin cp) or your server error log?

Problem solved!

I executed manually the SQL queries in phpMyAdmin:

ALTER TABLE `xf_user`
ADD COLUMN `taigachat_color` CHAR(6) NOT NULL AFTER `warning_points`;


ALTER TABLE `xf_user` CHANGE COLUMN `taigachat_color` `taigachat_color` CHAR(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `warning_points`;

Very good add-on! Thanks!
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Noticed an issue @Luke Foreman - third party add ons that do stuff with BBCode get disabled within the shoutbox.
This is typical of all major XF addons and is a bit of an oversight in XF's core design - any major new bbcodes need explicit support added for everywhere they are to be displayed
Can you add support for Digital Point Image Proxy so that images in the shoutbox can be proxied as they are with the core image proxy functionality My understanding is that you're not initializing the BBCode parser normally, just doing a normal PHP class init (basically will not run any event listeners). You need to initialize the BBCode parser normally in the addon.

Is there any way you can add support for this? Or at least get me started in the right direction to find a fix elsewhere?
What is the error message? Is there anything logged in either the XF error log (admin cp) or your server error log?

Make sure your custom theme is not setting a fixed height on title bars. To workaround this you could add the following to EXTRA.css:

.taigachat_alt .nodeList .categoryStrip { height: auto !important; }

Note that the background image on your title bars will need to be tiled in both directions

Not quite sure how to do that, but this didn't help
.taigachat_alt .nodeList .categoryStrip { height: auto !important; }

It still appears the same.
Not quite sure how to do that, but this didn't help
.taigachat_alt .nodeList .categoryStrip { height: auto !important; }

It still appears the same.

Sorry that should have been

.taigachat_alt.nodeList .categoryStrip { height: auto !important; }
Some shoutbox actions do not use CSRF tokens and can be triggered by linking to them via img tags or similar. One of my users informed me of this problem. Temporary fix, remove ban/delete permissions from all users/groups or 403 the actions via the webserver.
If the viewing user has permission to perform the action, it will be done without their knowledge.

<img src="https://xenforo.serenity.vm/taigachat/4/ban" />

<img src="https://xenforo.serenity.vm/taigachat/4/delete" />
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Where do I get the update files? I used the link but it keeps taking me back to the PayPal page. I've already purchased the add-on.
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