TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

Is possible the limit post count who use this chat system (Except usegroup permission choice, because i have just one usergroup of members)?
But i want to limit this plugin just for which member post 1000+

You can use the built-in XF promotion system for this, simply disallow taigachat on your standard members group and allow it on a secondary group with a promotion at 1000 posts configured.

my sb started getting few minor glitches so i tried to re-install and i get this error:

Mysqli statement execute error : Duplicate column name 'room_id'

and i cant find that column any where in DB i would drop that table if i could..

shame that u have to uninstall it 1st then install again.

this should be fixed...

to allow re-install on the fly without complete removal..

It does allow this. The only explanation for that error is if you somehow installed twice in quick succession or the uninstall code did not run.

- Members with their online status marked off seem to be invisible in the sidebar block of who is in the chat; can I change this somehow?

There is no option to control this currently

- A ban list (as mentioned by RastaLulz above) would be a great tool!

If you use the ban user group id option, then the standard admin CP group search can be used to list banned users

- I'm struggling to set up new post notifications - it'd be great if someone could explain to me how exactly to do that.

Simply adjust the 'Forum activity display' option

- Chat logs - I thought I set the ID correctly but it doesn't seem to be logging and we've been chatting a lot.

The log is only updated every 24 hours. You can manually run the taigachat daily cleanup cron task for testing purposes

- I'm also trying to edit the box where the messages are typed, I can't seem to find which code changes the colour of that background once it's selected. I'm also trying to work on the border around the chat itself. Any hint to the correct code to edit would be amazing.

You can adjust these in EXTRA.css, e.g.

#taigachat_message { background-color: #000 !important; }
#taigachat_box { border-color: #000 !important; }

umm i been getting messages form so many member and our staff why this SB doesn't do this:


would be useful if it was real live.. this way if some one posts something bad and its removed its removed for every one. now people need to refresh to see the changes so those who don't refresh can still see the bad content...

@Luke Foreman i know many have asked you to improve the SB.. i know i have listed many must have features for a long time. but you haven't done much work on it.. is it you to busy to worry about SB? cozz i recon another developer should take over to keep this more up to date in my opinion. we all paid for this software and expect good customer support and at least improvements made to this product.

or at least allow other developers to modify this add one to there own liking and open some doors to new modifications since you do not have the time for it.. [people will still need to pay for the add-one its self from you but this way we can expect better features implemented]

Retroactive message updates have been planned for a while. They were skipped for 1.3.0 as it introduced browser lagspikes, but will be revisited for the next major update. It is far from a trivial addition with how the speed mode architecture works.

I'm sorry you feel that way about updates. If there were any significant bugs at present, I would of course fasttrack an update. But as it stands, all I have are feature requests.

I of course have no plans to allow another developer to build upon my work.
@Luke Foreman how often do you update? - i know from experience most developers update from a few days to a week. or if i ask for a bug fix/feature maybe 1-3 weeks. bug fixes usually very quick...

so is it that you prefer to take time with ur work and make sure its 100% before you release it to the public? or is it that you keep piling on new features and never get around to making that 100% mark..

also for some reason when i prune in the 2nd shout box i have set up in VIP section it prunes the primary one as well..

that not right... suppose to be only the box u are pruning not all of em
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How would I go about changing the maximum image size?

Example: If you use an image/gif in the shoutbox that exceeds a certain size, the shoutbox will shrink it to a particular size. How can I change this limit?

I was searching through dark_taigachat.css for something that indicates max image heigh/width, but I couldn't find it. I'm hoping you know :)
How would I go about changing the maximum image size?

Example: If you use an image/gif in the shoutbox that exceeds a certain size, the shoutbox will shrink it to a particular size. How can I change this limit?

I was searching through dark_taigachat.css for something that indicates max image heigh/width, but I couldn't find it. I'm hoping you know :)

You can use the option 'Image display mode' to pick between several preset modes. The widths of 'Zoom' and 'Thumbnail Zoom' modes are both controlled by XF itself (same code used as normal posts) - there is likely a style property for it
would be also nice if there where some user criteria for this like:
x many times pruned
x many times banned a user
x many messages in the shoutbox
set a certain color in the SB and so on

would be great for trophies
I recently installed the Soutbox and i have not give permissions to anyone except admin group. Although, i see some users appearing in the blog "Members in Chat" this is not possible, why is this happens?
How do you change the name of the shoutbox? For example, instead of "Shoutbox" appearing in the navbar, I'd like it to say "Chat".
That doesn't change the name of the shoutbox, but only the route name (html link). The navigation bar will still show "Shoutbox"
I had added all the edits etc for the forum_list template to add the taigaChat on my board index and it's not displaying.
All user group permissions etc are correct am I doing something wrong? Thank you.
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