TaigaChat - AJAX Shoutbox [Deleted]

I installed the contents of the upload folder to my server, but I keep getting this:

The provided file is not an add-on XML file."

After I try to install the XML file in the ACP. Does anyone know why, or can anyone help?
Yes, it works.

I use it on my site.

Hello, I just installed the addon and I have this problem:


This is my Code:


I uninstalled the addon, I copied the folders again using Filezilla and I installed the XML file again, but the problem remains the same.
This add-on is not fully compatible with later versions of XenForo, specifically the toolbar.
@Brogan any tips on how to make it compatible?
I get the same problem as one of the other users, after adding the template code to place it above the site it doesn't show.
I haven't bothered to fix it - I just disabled the toolbar.

This add-on was written to work with the original TinyMCE editor, not the current Redactor editor.
Right I got the too bar sorted figured.

Taiga chat options.

replace the code in the text box at the bottom with

<i class="fa fa-bold"></i>:[b][/b]
<i class="fa fa-italic"></i>:[i][/i]
<span class='taigachat_bbcode_color'></span>:[color=][/color]
<i class="fa fa-file-image-o"></i>:[img][/img]
<i class="fa fa-link"></i>:[url=][/url]

to fix the smilie button
appearance -> templates -> dark_taigachat_controls and replace the image path to whatever you desire.
Not sure if this is clear, but the Chat Room nav bar works. I have the feature activated in forum_list, but I don't see it within the structure of the forum. Is this the way it's supposed to be?

Using XF 1.4.2, with usergroup restrictions.
So I have tried everything and so far we just have a shout box that you click and it pops up... we want it on the front top part of the forum and tried to put the thing stated for the template but nothing happens. How can we get it to show at the top of the forum?
Great add-on. I love having it on my forum.

I have question about performance: What's the maximum amount of people can TaigaChat handle in Speed Mode and HTTPS compatibility mode? Thanks.
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