TaigaChat - AJAX Shoutbox [Deleted]

I cannot get this to work for the life of me ! Does anyone have any suggestions:confused:, uploaded and installed the xml file, and added the php line to the forum_list - am I missing something?
I cannot get this to work for the life of me ! Does anyone have any suggestions:confused:, uploaded and installed the xml file, and added the php line to the forum_list - am I missing something?

Maybe you need to set the user permissions, as to which usergroups can view and post shouts in the shoutbox?

Taigachat smilies box seems not refreshing smilies categories upon update (extended smilies)
Greetings stewart1champ

I added smilies to an existing category and changed the scoller display order.
I tried ctrl-F5 and other navigator but new smilies are not displayed.
I believe in a cache issue, server side?
I use the chatbox alot at another site who purchased it and I have found that when you have multiple styles (dark styles/light styles) and many other coloured styles people will choose font colours that may look okay on the style they are using but when your viewing it on another style you can't read the font or what they're saying. I think the following suggestion is vital (if it can be done) as alot of the times it's impossible to read what people are saying when a site has multiple styles all of which are different colours.

Suggestion: A locked colour font feature that a member can use so all fonts remain the colour they choose for all text in chat. This colour will only be seen by whomever picked this colour and won't affect the colour the other user picked. This would make it so that if another user selected a colour that can't be read or is hard to read on style-x they can input a hexvalue in or something like that. Hopefully that made sense.
How can I change the width? This is in the middle using xenporta block. As you can see it's not filling the full width. I tried changing the values in the taiga css template, but nothing is changed.

Edit: I was modifying the wrong style. I just changed the width to 100% as seen here:
#taigachat_box { width: 100%; height: 300px; b
This addon breaks XenHabla IRC chat addon. So I had to uninstall it but XenHabla still does not work.

A controller for the route path chat/ was not found.

How can I fix this?

Edit: Fixed it by uninstalling and reinstalling XenHabla
Hi can someone please tell me how to change my shoutbox from this :-

to look like this :-


any help would be fantastic :)
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