Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support

Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support [Paid] 2.6.1

No permission to buy (£35.00)
I saw a few posts from 2022 - Did any development for AMS/Showcase (Bobs addons) get any closer to completion?

I saw that the expense of getting Bobs addons was a problem too - I'm sure Bob would help out in some way. He usually does with developers, I believe :)
I am not having Tag Essentials developed for Bob's addons. If someone wants to pay the developer to do that, I don't have a problem with it. It would be an arrangement directly with the developer.
I am not having Tag Essentials developed for Bob's addons. If someone wants to pay the developer to do that, I don't have a problem with it. It would be an arrangement directly with the developer.
As per the previous posts, they were asked to engage with xon. I was just curious if that had moved along at all or if there was new ideas/thoughts about that. 😅

Looking to renew soon. The AI function looks great.
As per the previous posts, they were asked to engage with xon. I was just curious if that had moved along at all or if there was new ideas/thoughts about that. 😅

Looking to renew soon. The AI function looks great.
I have not heard any mention of this from @Xon, so I have to assume that they didn't contact him.
Just installed and It doesn't give me the option to batch update in the ACP. The option simply isnt there. Any ideas?

also getting this permissions error:

Last edited:
I have the latest version installed.
Im running 2.2.13
And Yes i just set the permissions. i seen 4 permission options
This email received from OpenAI on Friday 9th February 2024
Last week, we launched gpt-3.5-turbo-0125, our latest GPT-3.5 Turbo model. Along with various improvements, this model also has lower pricing: input prices for the new model are reduced by 50% to $0.0005 /1K tokens and output prices are reduced by 25% to $0.0015 /1K tokens.

If your code specifies gpt-3.5-turbo or gpt-3.5-turbo-16k (the pinned model alias), your model will be automatically updated to gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 on Friday, February 16 and you’ll receive the new, lower pricing.
I have checked with the coder who confirms that Tag Essentials will automatically use 3.5 at the lower price.
for reasons unknown to me, almost all important tags with many references are suddenly missing in numerous posts. Apparently they are all suddenly blacklisted and cannot be restored as far as I can see. I have not changed anything in the system. Is there a way to restore the tags?
for reasons unknown to me, almost all important tags with many references are suddenly missing in numerous posts. Apparently they are all suddenly blacklisted and cannot be restored as far as I can see. I have not changed anything in the system. Is there a way to restore the tags?
Please send me a DM over at M2N.co.uk.
I’ll need more specific information with examples and links and admin access to do some checking.
Stuart Wright updated Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support with a new update entry:

Tweak to the batch update auto tag logic

The batch update thread auto tag process uses the
  • Suggest Tags from content title On creating content, suggest tags from the title
option in Tag Essentials setup.
However, it ignored any default tags set up in forums.
This update tweaks the batch update auto tag logic to also add any default tags from the forums in which the threads are located.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Stuart Wright updated Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support with a new update entry:

New feature to exclude forums from tag pages

A tag page shows threads containing a particular tag. When editing a forum, there is a new tick box under the advanced section to allow threads from this forum to be excluded from the tag list.
View attachment 298879
For example, this page showed a lot of threads from our archived classifieds forum:
View attachment 298881
whereas it now excludes all the threads from the Archived Classifieds forum
View attachment 298880

Read the rest of this update entry...
I don't know if this is asking too much but what if you had AI give you a page where it will show you what words all word as synonyms and let you pick the main word for the tag as well as have the option to exclude certain words from that group? It's a stretch but I thought I'd put that out there to see if this is even possible since it would save me from months of headaches lol
I don't know if this is asking too much but what if you had AI give you a page where it will show you what words all word as synonyms and let you pick the main word for the tag as well as have the option to exclude certain words from that group? It's a stretch but I thought I'd put that out there to see if this is even possible since it would save me from months of headaches lol
Are you suggesting that when editing a tag, we have a Suggest synonyms button which adds a bunch of words to the synonym box at which point the admin can delete any?
That could be done with OpenAI or using the Thesaurus.com API. Since we already use OpenAI that would be simpler.
Are you interested in contributing to the cost of developing this?
Are you suggesting that when editing a tag, we have a Suggest synonyms button which adds a bunch of words to the synonym box at which point the admin can delete any?
That could be done with OpenAI or using the Thesaurus.com API. Since we already use OpenAI that would be simpler.
Are you interested in contributing to the cost of developing this?
Depends on the amount, I'd be interested in helping with the funding.

But in terms of what I was thinking, you could have "Suggested Synonyms" as an option below "Manage Tags". From there, you would have a filter option at the top: 1) Completed Synonyms; 2) Incomplete Synonyms.

Completed Synonyms would have 3 columns.
1: Chosen Default Synonym/Tag
2: Synonyms
3: Edit

In the edit, you will see the same as above but then have suggested synonyms to add to the list as well as an ignore synonyms so you aren't constantly be asked to define it for the one you are editing.

Incomplete synonyms would be all the ones that don't have a chosen/defaulted tag. On this page it would groupings of synonyms together based on AI suggestions. You can edit the group, choose the default and ignore tags that won't fit.. The ignored ones will then stay on the incomplete page and if there was multiple, they can stay in a "new" group (basically the old grouping without the ones that you just defined). I don't know if that point, AI can learn based on the synonyms that are grouped together or what, but if it can, then hopefully it can continue to improve suggestions for the future and have an option that will alert admins when new tags that have been made have suggested synonyms.

Hopefully that all makes sense. The language I used for the options can obviously change to what is easiest to understand, same with my general idea of the layout. If it all makes sense to you like it does me, and something that would be beneficial to the addon, then I'm game to help fund :)
I'm afraid it doesn't make sense.
Each tag can have several synonyms. Or none. Since synonyms are manually created, the vast majority of tags won't have them.
You'll have to knock together a design of how you want it to work because I don't understand from the above, I'm sorry.
Remember that you will need a positive action like a button to start the process of asking ChatGPT for synonyms for a word since that will incur a cost and so you don't want it happening without there being strict control.
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